New Releases for the Week of October 23, 2011

While Battlefield 3 players will be trying to keep their muzzles steady, there is likely to be a lot of swaying throughout many of this week’s other new releases. From Dance Central 2, Just Dance Kids 2, Grease Dance, to Country Dance, fancy footwork is elevated over precision marksmanship. Heck, even Centipede Infestation is bound to feature an excessive amount of leg-shaking (all one hundred of them) in addition to its classic bug-busting.

Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition)
Dance Central 2
Daytona USA (XBLA)
Disney Universe
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
Grease Dance
Just Dance Kids 2
Kinect Sports: Season 2
Motion Explosion
The Cursed Crusade

Back to the Future: The Game
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition)
Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand (DLC)
Daytona USA (PSN)
Disney Universe
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
Grease Dance
Just Dance Kids 2
Infamous 2: Festival of Blood (DLC)
MotionSports Adrenaline
PixelJunk: SideScroller
The Cursed Crusade
The House of the Dead: Overkill: Extended Cut
Worms Crazy Golf

Active Life: Magical Carnival
Back to the Future: The Game
Centipede Infestation
Country Dance 2
Just Dance Kids 2
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land
Puss In Boots: The Game
Trivial Pursuit: Bet You Know It

Ben 10: Galactic Racing
Captain America: Super Soldier
Centipede: Infestation
Fix It
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence
Horses 3D
Michael Jackson: The Experience
Pokemon Rumble Blast
Puppies 3D
Puss In Boots: The Game
Zoo Resort

Centipede Infestation
Monster High: Ghoul Spirit
Pillow Pets
Puppies 3D
Squinkies 2: Adventure Mall Surprize!

Invizimals: Shadow Zone

Arcania: Fall of Setarrif
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition)
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Stronghold 3
The Cursed Crusade
The Haunted: The Hell’s Reach

DesertEagle’s Pick: While I’ll be certainly be missing Sweets, Hags, and Sarge, the absence of Bad Company‘s protagonists won’t keep me from hitting the Battlefield for the third time. Hopefully, reenlisting won’t prohibit be from getting a bit of R&R with PixelJunk: SideScroller. I’m looking forward to Dylan and company’s take on the shmup genre.

SeanNOLA’s Pick: The good folks behind Serious Sam seem to have a simple philosophy: of you boil a game type down to a few core elements and focus all your effort into polishing them, you’ll end up with an overall fun (if also goofy) experience. After checking out some video for The Random Encounter, it looks like they’ve got another gem on their hands, and I for one can’t wait to check it out.

Samurage Pick: As far as consoles go, if its between puppies, dancing, or being an ass-kickin’ bat, I’ll stick with Arkham City. But Sam, Dead Rising and Haunted might warrant a PC gander.

BlueSwim’s Pick: Like a baby in a basket on the door step comes Kirby’s Return to Dreamland for the Wii. I knew a new Kirby game was coming because of us talking about it on the show, but I just didn’t expect to see it on this week’s release list. Perhaps I just wasn’t paying enough attention or maybe Nintendo hasn’t done a good job of saying “new Kirby game on Wii soon”. Regardless of the promotion (or lack thereof), Kirby’s Return to Dreamland could be the surprise Wii hit of the Fall. One part New Super Mario Bro. Wii and one part Kirby sounds like a winning combination to me.

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. I have heard next to nothing about Centipede: Infestation. I’m interested beacuse the original Centipede was one of the greatest game of all time.

    Eat that, Pac-Man! 😉

    1. Yeah, but the graphics looks TERRIBLE. Like a hipster indie game or someone threw up at the Digipen labs.

  2. Horses 3D. Nothing else needs to be said.

    Seriously, I might get Battlefield 3, although the beta and lack of SP gameplay from EA have me quite worried.

    1. They showed some video of the game on the Jimmy Fallon show. Looked good, but not unlike MW.

  3. Does “Motion Explosion” qualify as an actual (game) explosion. Or is it only if you eat a greasy burrito before you exercise?

      1. Hope you feel better. Looking forward to your pick.

        (Guessing Battlefield 3 with a Daytona USA mention)

  4. I really liked the first Dance Central, and except for a really bad song list, I am temped to pick up part two.

  5. I have BF3 preordered, just waiting for reviews to determine if I’ll be picking it up.

  6. I guess I’m the only here here looking forward to Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi.

    1. I might pick it up at some point. I really DID like the first game, and I’m hoping there’s more meat to this one. I guess we’ll have to see.

      1. Id be curious on your thoughts.

        Tell Sony to send you a copy. T-G seems to get a decent amount of review comments.

  7. I was excited about BF3 but since EA decided to not sent out console review copies that makes me a bit nervous! On my channel the new DBZ game has gotten the most pre-launch hype/comments.

    1. Wait, so no one is reviewing the console version? I can’t believe that! I guess EA doesn’t want to promote the game..

    2. Question for the podcast- How do you think EA’s decision will affect review scores? Will they go up or down?

  8. Why would EA try to hide the console reviews, unless something is wrong with the game?

    1. Supposedly, the console versions are launching with a “Day-One Miracle Patch” to fix a bunch of bugs they found after the disc went gold. It’s my understanding that EA is planning on sending out late review copies, so that reviewers will be playing the post-patch build. I’ve also noticed a couple of reviews that have already seen the light of day, so who knows what’s going on.

      1. So you guys aren’t reviewing it? I’m curious if the Deagle will like it since he hasn’t been that interested in FPSs lately.

      2. I bet this ‘miracle patch’ only takes care of some of the problems. Sounds like the game was rushed out the door.

        I really feel bad for people without an internet connection, which is like 20% of consoles.

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