New Game Releases: Nov. 29th-Dec. 5th, 2013
With Black Friday upon us, the majority of this season’s retail titles are already on store shelves- waiting to be seized by fervent shoppers. Which means the majority of this week’s releases will be released digitally, saving players from making a trip through congested retail spaces. For those lamenting the end of this year’s interactive output, hold those chins high- there are still a number of remarkable releases like Gran Turismo 6 and Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God which are due before 2013 expires.
PlayStation 3
No releases
PlayStation 4
Tiny Brains (PSN, 15.99 One week special)
Xbox 360
No releases
Xbox One
No releases
Wii U
Contra III: The Alien Wars (Virtual Console, $7.99)
My Exotic Farm (eShop, $24.99)
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (Virtual Console, $4.99)
Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre (eShop, $19.99)
Race To The Line (eShop, $3.99)
Young Justice: Legacy (eShop, $29.99)
Heathcliff: Spot On (DSiWare, $4.99)
PS Vita
Rainbow Moon (PSN, $11.99, $5.99 for owners of PS3 version)
Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (GOG release, $5.99)
Robert’s Pick: On the PlayStation 3, Rainbow Moon was a pleasing, if simplified strategy-role-playing game. This week SideQuest Studios transports the title onto the PS Vita, providing a port that maintains a 60 frame-per-second output, mends a number of small glitches and provides cross-save functionality. Although there’s no cross-buy support, publisher EastAsiaSoft is planning a discount for owners of the PS3 version.
Gonçalo’s Pick: This is quite the slow week we have here! Then again, can anyone really criticize a week where Contra 3: The Alien Wars is released to a wider audience? Graphically it was a massive jump from the NES games, the levels have a lot of variety and the addition of vehicles was mind-blowing at the time! Now… who wants to be my player 2? I promise I won’t steal the spread gun!
Say’s Pick: Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition is one of timeless action-RPGs where you become the hero who needs to retrieve a legendary artifact, save the world, and all that. The attractive twist this time out, is that choices actually matter. As you start selecting your path through the game, you’ll find yourself headed toward decidedly different conclusions. Similar to Diablo, this title provides a third-person, top down, viewpoint of the character, and basic skills that require leveling and augmentation.
Damn, not much out there this week. Nothing for the ‘Bone?
Only Tech-Gaming considers “Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God” a big year-end release.
I loved Contra III back in the day, but anything over $5 is too much for it.
Oh I don’t know, last year I payed roughly $30-40 plus shipping for Contra: Hardcorps for the Sega genesis 😛
Then again, Contra: Hardcorps is also my favorite game in the series 😛
Maybe not the best in the series, but the NES version has a certain place in my heart.
I know just how you feel, I have the Arcade version of super C for the Xbox 360, but it just doesn’t /feel/ quite the same as the NES port
I have that too. Great game, but I prefer the NES version. It might be a bit easier.
I’m worried that Gran Turismo 6’s microtransactions are going to be just as bad as Forza 5’s.
Are all the PS4 titles cross-buy with the PS3 ones? (except for Tiny brains?)
Rainbow Moon does look good. Maybe I’ll pick it up if the discount is right.
Pretty slow week for games.
I do hope Castlevania IV makes it’s way to the Wii U. That was one of my favorites, behind SOTN.
If I get a Vita for Christmas, I’ll get Rainbow Moon.
I enjoy reading Goncalo and Says picks, but what happened to Blue, Jeremy, and Sage?