New Game Releases: December 3rd-9th, 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles X

While November’s cooler temperatures often signal a reprieve from the incursions of infuriating creatures, there are plenty of belligerent beasts to battle across this week’s new game releases. A duo of Earth Defense Force titles are due to hit the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, tasking players with stopping a seemingly insurmountable invasion of bugs. Meanwhile, DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours, released last week for Sony systems, makes its way onto Steam, taking PC owners with annihilating an empire of mechanized fish.

Header image: Xenoblade Chronicles X, Wii U

PlayStation 3
Battle Trivia Knockout (PSN, $4.49)
Yakuza 5 (PSN, $39.99)

PlayStation 4
Among the Sheep (PSN, $14.99)
Dark Cloud (PSN, PS2 Classic, $14.99)
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (also on PSN, $49.99)
Grand Theft Auto III (PSN, PS2 Classic, $14.99)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PSN, PS2 Classic, $14.99)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PSN, PS2 Classic, $14.99)
Guns, Gore, and Cannoli (PSN, $9.99)
Rogue Galaxy —(PSN, PS2 Classic, $14.99)
The Four Kings Casino and Slots (PSN, Free to play)
The Mark of Kri (PSN, PS2 Classic, $14.99)
Twisted Metal: Black (PSN, PS2 Classic, $9.99)
War of the Monsters —(PSN, PS2 Classic, $9.99)
Zotrix (PSN, $14.99)

Wii U
Trauma Team (eShop, $19.99)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (also on eShop, $59.99)
Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition ($89.99)

The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (DSiWare, $4.99)

Dementium Remastered (eShop, $TBA)

PS Vita
Bombing Busters (PSN, $6.99)
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space (also on PSN, $29.99)
Taco Master (PSN, $2.99)

PC (Available via Steam unless noted)
Blackfaun ($14.99)
Community College Hero: Trial by Fire ($TBA)
Corgi Warlock ($TBA)
DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours ($39.99)
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below ($59.99)
Fall of the Titanic ($2.69)
Lords of Magic: Special Edition ($4.24)
Lords of the Realm ($1.69)
Lords of the Realm II ($2.54)
Lords of the Realm III ($4.24)
Lowglow ($6.79)
Major\Minor ($7.19)
Our Love Will Grow ($4.49)
Pendragon Rising ($TBA)
Nyan Cat: Lost in Space ($2.69)
Save Your Mother ($7.99)
Slain! ($TBA)
Steel Rain ($8.99)
Super Mega Bob ($4.24)
The BoX ($5.99)
The Deer ($0.59)
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova ($5.99)
Zombie Office Politics ($3.19)

Robert’s Pick: As role-playing transgressions go, not having played much of Xenoblade Chronicles is a grave one. While I own the 3DS iteration, my schedule just hasn’t permitted delving into its depths, which is a real shame, as the concept of an open-world RPG that encourages exploration is tremendously appealing.  This week’s release of spiritual successor Xenoblade Chronicles X will definitely get some solid playtime, as the combination of transforming mechs, a real-time, action-based combat system and a sumptuous visual style is just far too convincing to resist.

Xenoblade Chronicles X (1)

Gonçalo’s Pick: I sadly share the same sin as Robert, in that I have never played Xenoblade Chronicles, a fault which I hope to overcome in time. In the meantime, Xenoblade Chronicles X is shaping up to be one of the Wii U’s strongest titles and one I hope to play. Any JRPG that includes real-time combat and giant transforming mechs is a game I hope to play.


Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. I was watching a bit of Xenoblade Chronicles X gameplay and it’s just enough like Monster Hunter to pique my interest. Might have to get it.

  2. I was looking ahead, there are only a few more “gotta have” games for 2015 still coming out.

  3. Xenoblade Chronicles X for me. Robert, you need to play the first game. I know it’s expensive on Wii, but if you own the 3DS version, there’s no excuse.

  4. Title that best describes my sex life: Our Love Will Grow.

    I’m a grower not a show-er, I swear!

  5. Yeeeeessss! Earth Defense Force 4.1 is out this week. I love bug killing and weapon grabbing.

  6. Earth Defense Force is pure digital cocaine. I must have put 200 hours in the games and don’t regret a minute of it. Big dumb fun of the best kind. I highly recommend the game!

  7. I’m glad Sony figured out how to add PS2 games for he PS4. I just wish they’d allow you to use your old disks.

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