New Game Releases: February 7th-13th, 2014

New Releases (1)
This week’s schedule of new game releases offers a number of familiar faces. Beyond a reappearance from the Goddess Etro’s bodyguard in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, Ryu Hayabusa visits the Virtual Console as the original Ninja Gaiden hits the Wii U, while “The Player” returns for more fun in the enhanced version of Retro City Rampage: DX for the 3DS. Yet, the week’s most notable reemergence might be Llamasoft’s Jeff Minter. This week the veteran coder releases the long-waited TxK onto PS Vita screens, an act that’s certain to quicken the pulse of Yak followers.

PlayStation 3
Borderlands 2 and Dishonored Bundle
Far Cry Classic (PSN, $9.99)
Far Cry Compilation (Far Cry 2, 3, and Blood Dragon)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Also on PSN, $59.99)
Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (PSN, PSOne Classic $5.99)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and BioShock Infinite Bundle
Wolf Fang (PSN, PSOne Import, $5.99)
Zombeer (PSN, $TBA)

Wii U
Ninja Gaiden (eShop, Virtual Console, $4.99)
Percy’s Predicament (eShop, $5.99)
The LEGO Movie Videogame (Also on eShop, $49.99)

Xbox 360
Borderlands 2 and Dishonored Bundle
Far Cry Classic (XBL, $9.99)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Also on XBL, $59.99)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and BioShock Infinite Bundle

One Piece Romance Dawn (also on eShop, $39.99)
Retro City Rampage: DX (eShop, $9.99)
The LEGO Movie Videogame (Also on eShop, $29.99)

PS Vita
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Also on PSN, $39.99)
Fort Defense (PSN, $TBA)
Gunslugs (PSN, $TBA)
Toukiden: The Age of Demons (Also on PSN, $39.99)
TxK (PSN, $9.99, PS+ price $7.99)

Ethan: Meteor Hunter (Steam, $7.99)
Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar (Steam, Early Access, $TBA)
Jazzpunk (Steam, $11.99)
NaissanceE (Steam, TBA)
WRC Powerslide (Steam, $8.49)

Robert’s Pick: Lightning Returns is more than the closing chapter in the Final Fantasy XIII story arc- it’s also the result of Square-Enix’s (along with co-developer Tri-Ace) extended dialog with series supporters. Each successive entry in the series has been attuned to incorporate the request of aficionados, with Lightning’s send-off providing amenities such as combat which smirks the traditional menu selections- offering players the ability to issue commands with their controller. Also gone is the linearity which formed the bulk of XIII, replaced by an open world for gamers to reconnoiter. Although it seems fashionable to criticize contemporary Final Fantasy, the Fabula Nova Crystallis saga demonstrates a developer that’s in tune with their audience.

New Releases (2)

Gonçalo’s Pick: The Final Fantasy XIII series (yes, I’m calling the XIII games a series) always had a lot of potential in my book. They are visually and artistically stunning, weaving a world that I would love to explore in more detail. While the game was by no means perfect it made for a fun romp and created a battle system which felt unique and fresh. I’m hoping Lightning Returns will give the XIII games the proper closing chapter it deserves. One that ties all loose ends with grace while providing us with fun combat and leveling up mechanics which have made the Final Fantasy games so much fun.

Lightning Returns

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


    1. I would be surprised if it came out on cartridge in the US. Seems like a limited fanbase here.

  1. Minter games are total LCD trips, but I love them all. Not all games have to have epic storylines and CG cinematics.

  2. I can wait until Lightning Returns drops to $20, especially if Snow is in this one too.

    1. What does TxK stand for?

      And holy shit, did you meet Minter? He and Eugene Jarvis are my heroes.

      1. I saw him, but I didn’t speak to him.
        A) I didn’t realize he actually made it – I just thought it was a really good Tempest clone
        B) I didn’t know what he looked like until 5 minutes ago, but I’m assuming the beardo that was hanging out near TxK was him

        Also “TxK” stands for “Tempest (cross) Konami” because you tempest as Snake shooting at Draculas. (not really. I don’t think it stands for anything)

        1. I’m assuming there were beards aplenty at IndieCade then.

          How did you miss the Yak sweater and English accent though?

        2. Sean is the type of guy that could be 10 feet from Nolan Bushnell and not recognize him.*

          *True story. No names have been changed.

          1. The Story:

            A long time ago, DEagle and I went to a small conference where Nolan Bushnell was the keynote speaker. We watched his talk, then went to lunch at a Johnny Rocket’s across the hall from uWink (Bushnell’s failed attempt to incorporate touchscreens into a burger joint).

            We sat at a table, and Bushnell was sitting at the bar, probably 6 feet away from us, with his back to us. DEagle said “I think that’s Nolan Bushnell! We should go sit with him!” and I said “no way. Why would he eat here instead of his own (empty) restaurant across the hall?” and I eventually talked DEagle out of going to talk to him. Then Bushnell paid, stood up, and it was REALLY obvious that it was, in fact, the same Nolan Bushnell we saw not 30 minutes ago. I’ve never lived that down.

  3. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII this week. the FF game look so damn gorgeous. I couldn’t even imagine what they’ll look like on next-gen.

  4. I hate the new FF games. The characters, the combat, the batshit crazy story. The old games ruled, now the new stuff is shit.

  5. Looks like Lighning Returns is getting 7/10’ed by the Gamepress. Deagle, I await your review.

  6. Okay, spambot, obviously, but I love that THIS is the article it picked. How are they planning on punching up the headline?

    Games are being released this week, and YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT…

    One of the games released in the week of February 7th restored my faith in humanity!

    A father showed his 3 year old daughter the new release list from February 7th, 2014 – her reaction is AMAZING!

    Most people forget that this game released on February 8th, but many say it’s the greatest game ever made!

    1. Sean, you have a bright future in writing spam scripts.

      How about “I can’t believe what Jessica Simpson is wearing while reading Tech-Gaming’s New Release list!”

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