New Game Releases: April 18th-24th, 2014
Next-generation adopters have plenty to look forward to in the immediate future- with the imminent release of Wolfenstein: The New Order, Watch Dogs, and the PlayStation 4 version of MLB 14: The Show. Those expectations will have to get PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners through the next couple of software-starved weeks as releases are few for the new machines. More fortunate are PC owners, who no longer have a reason to envy Dark Souls II-playing console owners; FROM Software’s sadistic title will be available in two different packages. For Wii U owners, things aren’t nearly as sunny, with the console sustaining mainly on a steady diet of Virtual Console titles.
PlayStation 3
Cel Damage HD (PSN, $9.99 Crossbuy with PS4, Vita)
Defense Technica (PSN, $9.99)
Soulcalibur Lost Swords (PSN, Free-to-play)
PlayStation 4
Cel Damage HD (PSN, $9.99 Crossbuy with Vita, PS3)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PSN, $14.99)
Putty Squad (PSN, $24.99)
Wii U
F-Zero Maximum Velocity (eShop, $6.99)
Flowerworks HD: Follie’s Adventure (eShop, $6.00)
Golden Sun (Virtual Console, $7.99)
LEGO: The Hobbit (eShop, $49.99)
My First Songs (eShop, $9.99)
Yoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3 (eShop, $7.99)
Bit Boy!! ARCADE (eShop, $7.99)
Smash Cat Heroes (eShop, $3.99)
PS Vita
Cel Damage HD (PSN, $9.99 Crossbuy with PS3, PS4)
Demon Gaze (Also on PSN, $39.99)
Putty Squad (PSN, $24.99)
Starlight Inception (PSN, $22.99)
The Walking Dead: Season Two, Episode 1 (PSN, $4.99)
The Walking Dead: Season Two, Episode 2 (PSN, $4.99)
The Walking Dead: Season Two, Season Pass (PSN, $19.99)
Dark Souls II (Steam, $49.99)
Dark Souls II Collector’s Edition
Fract OSC
Interplanetary (Steam, $9.99)
Perpetuum (Steam, $TBA)
ReignMaker (Steam, $14.99)
Tabletop Simulator (Steam, $14.99)
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure (Steam, $17.99, delayed until May 7th)
Trials Fusion (Steam, $19.99)
The Last Federation (Steam, $19.99)
Uprising44: The Silent Shadows (Steam, $5.99)
Robert’s Pick: Craving a traditional dungeon crawl, I picked up Might & Magic X Legacy via a Steam sale last week. The same day, I also received a preview build of Demon Gaze for the PS Vita. After spending a few hours with both, I’ve decided to become monogamous with the Kadokawa Games-developed title. While the cyclic pattern of creating characters, taking them into dungeons, and leveling them up so they can delve even deeper isn’t especially remarkable- the trimmings certainly are. Solid visual novel-style dialog sequences, a Vocaloid-driven soundtrack, and an assemblage of well-drawn lolis have made the game very difficult to put down. Also worth mentioning is the free DLC with Disgaea’s Asagi, Etna, Flonne, Sicily, and a Prinny to sweeten the deal even further.
Gonçalo’s Pick: Almost every adventure game fan I know has been eagerly anticipating Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure since the Kickstarter campaign nearly two years ago. Often considered as one of the few examples of FMV games done right, the series created a setting that mixes Noir with Cyberpunk tying them together with a whodunit storyline. Sticking to its roots, the game will be played almost exclusive through live action scenes and videos, just the way I want it!
Robert, you need to review this game. Man up!
I know the eShop doesn’t get a ton of attention, but check out the video for Bit Boy!! ARCADE. The game looks kind of cool.
“Solid visual novel-style dialog sequences, a Vocaloid-driven soundtrack, and an assemblage of well-drawn lolis have made the game very difficult to put down.”
That sounds kind of cool. Is it anything like Wizardry?
Bought Dark Souls II key for $26.xx and don’t even have to use a VPN. Go me.
Waiting for the vita version of the Walking Dead finally paid off!
Yeah, I love the WD games, but I rarely have a chance to sit down and play at home. Perfect for the Vita.
I’m still waiting for the 3DS version. 🙁
Seems like WD is on everything that’s not Nintendo.
Are there any episodic games available on WiiU or 3DS? I know that a lot of Tell Tale games made it to Wii – I wonder if it’s too difficult to publish there…
Sam and Max, CSI, Strong Bad, BAck to the Future, were all on the Wii. So TellTale could pull it off.
Also Moon Chronicles was supposed to be episodic for Wii U:
Huh. I wonder why they stopped. I played through StrongBad on the Wii, and thought it was a pretty good experience. Maybe they just weren’t making any money there.
Two things: WiiWare never really took off. I think the Nintendo directs alluded to that, and they tried to make the 3DS shop better (large file size, better store front, etc). Remember most people who bought the Wii used it for motion-based games.
These things emerged during the tail end of the Wii’s life.
Wow, nothing for PS4 and the Xbone? I’m glad I didn’t buy a machine at launch. Not only are they still working out the bugs (stick in DualShock 4, Kinect and UI for the ‘Bone) but there’s a lack of games.
I hope they talk about this on the podcast.
If I remember, Jeremy was for buying at launch and Deagle said to wait. With problems, a lack of software, and that useless Kinect, (hopefully MS gets rid of it) I’m really glad I waited.
Yeah, I have to agree- wait. right now, there’s not that many games and prices are still too high for hardware and software. Plus, there’s more than enough games from last gen that are unplayed.
Agree about the games but not about the Kinect feature. This is so awesome! Makes me burn lots of calories! Love it!!!!!
A dungeon crawler on the Vita? Though, I do have P4Golden I haven’t touched (except for the original on the PS2). An original title for the system though, that sounds intriguing. I did buy mine for the sole purpose of playing PSOne RPG classics, but at some point I have to stop living in the past.
Nothing wrong with that. There’s someone about those PSOne-era JRPGs that are missing from today’s games.
I also bought it for FFX HD. Ever since the PSP came out I have been dreaming of having that game on a handheld device. I didn’t know the PSP also had access to these classics, as almost as soon as I bought my PSP I had to take it back (being poor sucks). I couldn’t believe it when I saw FFX HD announced for Vita. I picked it up the very minute it went live. It was so fresh, I had to buy it from the actual store website as it wasn’t listed in the Vita yet.
I bought it a week after launch at $40. Next day it drops to $30 EVERYWHERE for a physical copy.
Is anyone surprised that the Wii U isn’t doing well with games like that?
Not sure if everyone is aware but PSN has a 99 cent sale this weekend. All of these games are marked down:
Back to the Future Full Game
Blast Factor
Crash Bandicoot 1-3 (PS1)
Crash Commando
CTR: Crash Team Racing (PS1)
Everyday shooter (PS3) (PSP/Vita)
Gex: Enter the Gecko (PS1)
Gotham City Imposters
Jurassic Park The Game Full Season
Plants Vs Zombies
Red Faction (PS1)
Red Faction 2 (PS1)
Red Faction Battleground
Retro City Rampage (PS3/Vita Cross-Buy)
Sam and Max the Devils Playhouse
Spyro 1-3
Stuntman Ignition (PS2)
Super Stardust HD
Tales of Monkey Island Bundle
Tokyo Jungle
Urban Trial Freestyle (PS3) (Vita)
When Vikings Attack! (PS3/Vita Cross-Buy)
World Gone Sour
Thanks, just picked up Tokyo Jungle, Back to the Future and Sam and Max. I’m set for the next few weeks.
I bought Jurassic Park and World Gone Sour, because I hate myself.
I am judging you for that second purchase.
Oh, and how is it?
Well, of the two, World Gone Sour is the better game, but neither one is very good.
I knew that going into it, but 99c?!
I hear so much praise for Dark Souls, but I also hear how crushingly hard it is.
It has strategic, real-time combat, and is designed around the idea that you WILL die. It isn’t hard, once you accept that mashing “attacik” is never going to work, but it’s always challenging. Pick up Demon Souls on the cheap and give it a try.
Dark Souls II for me this week. I hope the rumors that the PC version has console lighting are false.
Why was Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure delayed? 🙁
They pushed it back to work on some last minute stuff, nothing serious. It should be coming out early May.
Roberto, wheres the Demon Gaze review?
I saw Robert playing it via PSN so I’m sure it will be here soon. I’m sure he’ll love it.