New Game Releases: May 21st-27th, 2015

Always the Same Blue Sky

From guiding Chell through Aperture Science’s testing facilities in Portal Pinball to the release of gaming’s original Earth Defense Force- 1992’s Super Nintendo shmup, Super E.D.F, this week’s releases offer a number of references to gaming’s recent and antiquated past. It’s also a number week where clones are conquering Nintendo’s eShop, from Geometry Wars wannabe, Vector Assault to yet another voxel-based crafting game, Stone Shire.

Header image: Always the Same Blue Sky, PC

PlayStation 3
Badland: Game of the Year Edition (PS, $11.99, Cross-buy)
Mega Man 8 (PS, 5.99)
Portal Pinball (PS, DLC, $2.99)
Weird Park: The Final Show (PS, $14.99)

PlayStation 4
Arcade Archives Crazy Climber (PS, $7.99)
Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid (PS, $7.99)
Badland: Game of the Year Edition (PS, $11.99, Cross-buy)
Magicka 2 (PS, $14.99)
Portal Pinball (PS, DLC, $2.99)
Roundabout (PS, $14.99)
Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS, $24.99)

Wii U
Blocky Bot (eShop, $1.99)
Journey of a Special Average Balloon (eShop, $1.49)
Mega Man Zero 2 (eShop, $7.99)
Samurai Defender (eShop, 3.99)
Shapes of Gray (eShop, $6.99)
Stone Shire (eShop, $7.99)
Super E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (eShop, $7.99)
Swords & Soldiers II (eShop, $19.99)
Vector Assault (eShop, $4.99)

Xbox 360
Portal Pinball (XGS, DLC, $TBA)

Xbox One
Badland: Game of the Year Edition (XGS, $TBA)
Portal Pinball (XGS, DLC, $TBA)

Puzzle & Dragons Z+Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition (also on eShop, $29.99)

PS Vita
Badland: Game of the Year Edition (PS, $11.99, Cross-buy)
Invizimals: The Resistance (PS, $14.99)
Mega Man 8 (PS, 5.99)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS, $14.99, Cross-buy with PS4)
Portal Pinball (PS, DLC, $TBA)
Vitamin Z (PS, free)

60 Seconds! (Steam, $TBA)
8-Bit Adventures: The Forgotten Journey Remastered Edition (Steam, $TBA)
Always the Same Blue Sky (Steam, $TBA)
Audiosurf 2 (Steam, $12.74)
Blockstorm (Steam, $4.54)
Brilliant Bob (Steam, $9.99)
Bunker- The Underground Game (Steam, $11.99)
Catlateral Damage (Steam, $8.99)
Crossfire: Dungeons (Steam, $3.59)
Courier of the Crypts (Steam, $10.79)
Drive Any Track (Steam, $12.74)
Epanalepsis (Steam, $5.59)
F-1 Drive (Steam, $0.99)
Fine Sweeper (Steam, $1.99)
Interloper (Steam, $9.59)
Heroes of Loot (Steam, $5.09)
Journey Of The Light (Steam, $3.99)
LOOP: A Tranquil Puzzle Game (Steam, $4.49)
Love at First Sight (Steam, $9.99)
Mystik Belle (Steam, $9.09)
OBEY (Steam, $12.74)
Oil Enterprise (Steam, $14.99)
Red Crow Mysteries: Legion (Steam, $6.99)
Ride The Bullet (Steam, $3.99)
Strife (Steam, free)
Sunset (Steam, $17.99)
Technobabylon (Steam, $14.99)
Teddy Floppy Ear – The Race (Steam, $4.24)
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III (Steam, $13.49)
Tompi Jones (Steam, $3.99)
True Bliss (Steam, $5.39)
Visibility (Steam, $2.99)
Wyrmsun (Steam, $4.24)

Robert’s Pick: Just when I thought the “match-three” had completely slipped into stagnancy, Puzzle & Dragons appeared, proving me wrong by merging the puzzle components with a creature cultivating component. On iOS and Android, the game squeezed my colleagues for in-app purchases, but with the game’s release on the 3DS, that’s been swapped for a single-purchase price. As a bonus, Puzzle & Dragons Z+Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition also offers a second play mode that move play into the Mushroom Kingdom, which is a motivating perk for any true Mario fan.

Puzzle & Dragons Z+Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros Edition
Gonçalo’s Pick:
Two weeks ago, Mega Man & Bass received a much needed re-release on Nintendo’s eShop; a game which sadly never the recognition is deserved outside Japan. This week Capcom decided to grace Wii-U owners with the more popular Mega Man Zero 2. For many Blue Bomber fans, this spin-off series were the last true Mega Man games from a gameplay perspective. These are some of the best action games for Nintendo’s Gameboy Advance, carrying the same familiar tough as nails difficulty. Whether you’re a veteran or a newcomer to this style of gameplay, you owe it yourself to play these games.

Mega Man Zero 2

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. You should stop listing all those Steam games no one cares about. It just takes up space.

    1. Actually, I care more about “those games” than the ones on the other platforms.

      1. Yeah, I have to agree. I play more PC games that anything else these days. Now that consoles are backward compatible, it’s the best way to go.

  2. Puzzle & Dragons Z looks fun. But I have a hard time dropping $30 on a free to play game. Maybe if it was $10.

  3. I guess Nintendo has to fill the eShop with crap of have it empty. Personally, I’d prefer quality over quantity, but I’m not Reggie.

  4. Please review Mystik Belle. It’s has witch lolis and run and jump gameplay.

  5. Not sure if Teddy Floppy Ear – The Race is supposed to be serious. Looks a little too cute.

    1. As far as I know it’s not related. It’s a pretty decent SNES shmup though are better 16-bit offerings.

      1. Yes, Technosoft’s Thunder Force games are larger considered some of the better shooters of the 16-bit era. Check them out if you like shmups.

        1. Yep, The Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive and the TG-16 were probably the two best systems ever made for SHMUPs. Thunderforce, MUSHA, Star Soldier, Gradius, R-type, so many great games.

          1. You forgot Sub Terrania, Grenada, Gaiares, M.U.S.H.A. Eliminate Down, Raiden Trad, Whip Rush, Phelios, and Insector X.

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