New Game Releases: May 23rd-29th, 2014

Watch Dogs

From the long-await release of Watch Dogs across five different platforms (yeah!), Sly Cooper’s journey to PS Vita screens (woo-hoo!) to Ace Combat’s transformation into a free-to-play series (ugh!) this week’s roster of new releases uncovers a number of notable titles. Retro enthusiasts are poised to have a promising selection of games between the release of Final Fantasy III on Steam, Street Fighter Alpha 2 on the the Wii U, and Mega Man V on the 3DS while otaku better prepare their wrists for Monster Monpiece’s vigorous rub-outs.

PlayStation 3
Ace Combat Infinity (PSN, Free-to-play)
Watch Dogs (also on PSN, $59.99)
Watch Dogs Gold Edition (PSN, $79.99)

PlayStation 4
Watch Dogs (also on PSN, $59.99)
Watch Dogs Gold Edition (PSN, $79.99)

Wii U
Fit Music for Wii U (eShop, $14.99)
Squids Odyssey (eShop, $14.99)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (eShop, $7.99)
Swords & Soldiers (eShop, $2.99)

Xbox 360
Watch Dogs

Xbox One
Watch Dogs (Also on XBL, $59.99)

Alien On The Run (eShop, $3.99)
Mega Man V (eShop, $2.99)
Turtle Tale (eShop, $2.99)

Lost Treasures of Alexandria (DSiWare, $7.99)

PS Vita
Fort Defense & Fort Defense North Menace (PSN, $6.99)
Mind Zero (PSN, $33.99, $27.19 PS+)
Monster Monpiece (PSN, $29.99)
The Sly Collection (Also on PSN, $29.99)

A Story About My Uncle (Steam, $11.69)
Dracula 4 and 5 – Special Steam Edition (Steam, $14.99)
Final Fantasy III (Steam, $15.99)
ibb & obb (Steam, $9.59)
Labyrinthine Dreams (Steam, $4.99)
Knight Squad (Steam, $9.99)
Richard & Alice (Steam, $TBA)
Tropico 5 (Steam, $39.99)
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (Steam, $9.99)
Watch Dogs (Steam, $59.99)

Robert’s Pick: It’s been nearly two years since Ubisoft demoed Watch_Dogs at their E3 presser. At the time, I was slightly skeptical of the footage, which seemed to transcend the capabilities of even a high-end rig. Thirteen months later, the game is here and beyond the intermittent loss of an underscore in the title and a few exploding windows, it looks like Ubisoft Montreal is going to deliver on their promises. As a fan of city skulking and sandbox-style gameplay, Chi_town better get ready for my week-long rampage.

Watch Dogs (1)


Gonçalo’s Pick: During its initial reveal, Watch Dogs was lauded by critics and the gaming community as a defining moment in creating the next generation experience. Since then the game has seen its fair share of controversy, mostly centered on a downgraded graphical output. Regardless, all trailers point towards a solid execution of a unique concept, so color me excited.

Watch Dogs (2)

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


    1. I did a Google search for “Watch_Dogs” this is what came out (no underscores):

  1. Saw Watch Dogs pc screenshots. Man those look amazing. Picking it up for sure.

  2. A Story About My Uncle sounds like an after school special about molestation.

  3. Disappointed that Namco is going the pay-to-win route. This is the end of the House that Pac built.

  4. What version of Street Fighter Alpha 2 is ported to the Wii U? If it’s the arcade one, I’ll bite.

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