New Game Releases: May 4th-10th, 2017

Spring’s warmer temperatures often send lure people outdoor to pursue athletic competition. But for those who prefer indoor spaces, this week’s offerings offer several reasons to keep cool inside. Beyond the abstract teeing off of Infinite Golf for the 3DS, and the release of Australian Rules Football for console, there’s also NBA Playgrounds, a title that looks to rekindle the spirited, simplified dunk fests of NBA Jam.

Header Image: LocoRoco Remastered, PS4

Nintendo Switch
NBA Playgrounds (eShop, $19.99)

PlayStation 4
AFL Evolution ($TBA)
Birthdays the Beginning (retail and PSN, $39.99)
Dreamfall Chapters ($TBA)
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity (retail and PSN, $49.99)
LocoRoco Remastered (PSN, $14.99, 11.99 PS+)
NBA Playgrounds (PSN, $19.99)
Prey (retail and PSN, $59.99)
World to the West (PSN, $TBA)

Xbox One
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity (retail and XGS, $49.99)
Lethal League (XGS, $TBA)
NBA Playgrounds (XGS, $19.99)
Prey (retail and XGS, $59.99)

Wii U
Bonk’s Revenge (eShop, $5.99)
Citadale: The Legends Trilogy (eShop, $9.00)
Fifteen (eShop, $1.49)
Triple Breakout (eShop, $4.99)
WinKings (eShop, $9.99)

Infinite Golf (eShop, $1.99)
Triple Breakout (eShop, $4.99)

PC (via Steam unless noted)
Birthdays the Beginning ($39.99)
Bounty Killer ($TBA)
Calico & Co. ($1.59)
Deep Dark Dungeon ($8.99)
NBA Playgrounds ($19.99)
Prey ($59.99)
Rakuen ($TBA)
Strafe ($19.96)
World to the West ($16.99)

Robert’s Pick: I’ve been playing Birthdays the Beginning and enjoying myself, with Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada’s evolutionary sandbox keeping me occupied for long stretches. But as interesting as it is, it’s certainly not a game with universal appeal. Playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has rekindled by appreciation for the local competitive play and as such, I’m eager for NBA Playgrounds, especially at a twenty-dollar piece point that doesn’t gate content via a paywall.

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. I hope NBA Playgrounds can run at a solid 60 fps on Switch. Otherwise I might have to think about getting it on another system.

  2. Locoroco Remastered should really be both games in one, not just the first one.

  3. Why can’t Bonk’s Revenge also come out for Switch? I’d love to play that and $6 is the right price.

  4. I’ll wait for a price drop on Prey. Especially after Dishonored 2’s problems on PC.

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