New Game Releases: June 4th-10th, 2015
From a barrage of seven older Genterprise-published games (the G.G Series) to a PS Vita-based remake of Japan-only PC titles Generation Xth: Code Hazard and Code Breaker (Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy), this week offers a number of remarkable niche experiences. Naturally, there are a few games that will appeal to more mainstream tastes, from The Elder Scrolls Online journey onto consoles to the Swapper’s twilight-hour appearance on the Xbox One.
PlayStation 4
Arcade Archives: Gradius (PS, $7.99)
Hustle Kings (PS, free to play)
Invokers Tournament (free to play)
The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited (also on PS, $59.99)
Wander (PS, $24.99)
Wii U
Adventures of Pip (eShop, $14.99)
Cube Blitz (eShop, $3.99)
Cube Life: Island Survival (eShop, $6.99)
Pac-Attack (eShop, $7.99)
The Stonecutter (eShop, $1.20)
Xbox One
The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited (also on XGS, $59.99)
The Swapper (XGS, $14.99)
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (eShop, $9.99)
Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure
G.G Series ALTERED WEAPON (eShop, $1.99)
G.G Series ASSAULT BUSTER (eShop, $1.99)
G.G Series BLACK X BLOCK (eShop, $1.99)
G.G Series COSMO RALLY!! (eShop, $1.99)
G.G Series EXCITING RIVER (eShop, $1.99)
G.G Series HERO PUZZLE (eShop, $1.99)
G.G Series THE SPIKY BLOWFISH!! (eShop, $1.99)
Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven
PS Vita
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy (also on PS, $39.99)
12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull (Steam, $TBA)
16bit Trader (Steam, $2.99)
Dungeoncraft (Steam, $TBA)
D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die –Season one- (Steam, $TBA)
Little Cells (Steam, $TBA)
Monument (Steam, $TBA)
Seduce Me the Otome (Steam, $TBA)
Sylvio (Steam, TBA)
Tap Heroes (Steam, TBA)
The Masterplan (Steam, $14.99)
Tin Star (Steam, $TBA)
Turmoil (Steam, $TBA)
Wimp: Who Stole My Pants? (Steam, $TBA)
Robert’s Pick: Make no mistake, Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy isn’t for everyone. Actually, even stalwart fans might not appreciate the title’s involved party management, or the complicated puzzle-like locales (which are complicated enough that the game provides a Demon Souls-like asynchronous, online note system). Developed by Experience Inc., New Tokyo Legacy lacks much of Demon Gaze’s humor and accessibility, but for DRPG aficionados, the game does get its hook into you, with a plotline that feels more like a police procedural rather than just another bland dungeon crawl.
Gonçalo’s Pick: Sony may have only supported the Vita in a halfhearted manner. Despite this, I feel it became “the little handheld that could”, especially in the JRPG department. It may be the only release Vita owners are getting this week, but Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy looks more interesting to me than any other offering. I suppose the old adage remains true; quality over quantity.
Near panty shot this week.
Forgot panties.
I’m really hoping that one day we set a bit of fur in a mainstream game. Can’t the PS4 and Xbone render hair?
After reading the first two posts, am I the only one who Trevor’s name and the mention of fur and thought of “Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy”?
Yes, I need halp.
Sounds like Robert had a tough time with New Tokyo Legacy. Hopefully, we’ll get a review this week. RIGHT?
I wouldnt mind playing The Elder Scrolls Online on console.
So is the G.G series any good?
found out they are old DSiWare games. Pretty poorly rated.
Curious why Seduce Me the Otome wasn’t picked.
There’s a “<" symbol in the Swapper.
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures is a decent game that focused on an internet psuedo star playing bad games. Not worth $10, but worth $5 on a Steam sale. AVGN’s humor doesn’t really come through often enough.
I can’t buy with with a clear conscious. What if every d-list internet celebrity starts making games about their “personalities”?
The Swapper is a really awesome action puzzler. If you can get it on PC, I recommend it. Probably a bit cheaper than the X1 version.
Seconded. Really fun, and the puzzles are tough, but never too hard. They feel really rewarding.
The Stonecutter looks interesting and it’s only $1.20. Might have to try it and report back.
Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven isn’t getting much of a push at all. I like these kinds of games and the first I’ve heard of it was here.
I’m so ready for the Steam sale. 3 days to go@