New Game Releases: July 2nd-8th, 2015
Now considered a “legacy” system, the PS Vita continues to expand its library of new game releases, outpacing even newer hardware like the Xbox One. This week the potent portable receives a number of noteworthy titles, from a remake of GUST’s poignant role-playing game to one of the better twin-stick shooters of recent memory, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions.
Header image: Ar nosurge Plus, CG
PlayStation 4
Arcade Archives Exerion (PSN, $7.99)
Pneuma: Breath of Life (PSN, $14.99)
Rocket League (PSN, $19.99, free for PS+)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore (PSN, $24.99, $19.99 PS+, Cross-buy)
Toro (PSN, $19.99)
Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (eShop, $9.99)
Quadcopter Pilot Challenge (eShop, $8.99)
Roving Rogue (eShop, $7.99)
Mercenaries Saga 2 (eShop, $4.99)
PS Vita
Ar nosurge Plus (PSN, $39.99)
Ar nosurge Plus – Limited Edition
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (PSN, $14.99, free for PS+)
Nekoburo Catsblock (PSN, $7.99)
Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal- (Steam, $10.39)
Anna’s Quest (Steam, $17.99)
Battle Fantasia -Revised Edition (Steam, $13.49)
Crash Dive (Steam, $6.99)
Deadlands Noir – That Old Time Religion (Steam, $3.59)
Divide By Sheep (Steam, $4.49)
Farm Frenzy: Hurricane Season (Steam, $5.59)
Fragile Ball (Steam, $4.49)
Gunpower (Steam, $TBA)
Hook (Steam, $0.99)
How To Survive: Third Person Standalone (Steam, $7.99)
Knee Deep (Steam, $25.49)
Legends of Eisenwald (Steam, $25.49)
Loot Hero DX (Steam, $TBA)
NotGTAV (Steam, $0.74)
Prompt (Steam, $TBA)
Revolution Under Siege Gold (Steam, $24.99)
Rocket League (Steam, $19.99)
Scraps (Steam, $14.99)
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom (Steam, $TBA)
Shred! Downhill Mountain Biking (Steam, $TBA)
The Amber Throne (Steam, $13.49)
TIMEFrame (Steam, $6.79)
Unpossible (Steam, $9.99)
Vapour (Steam, $9.99)
Vector Thrust (Steam, $22.49)
Vindicator: Uprising (Steam, $2.69)
Worms World Party Remastered (Steam, $TBA)
Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm (Steam, $14.99)
Robert’s Pick: Although, I’m still stinging from disappointing triple-A PC releases like Batman: Arkham Knight, Mortal Kombat X, Assassin’s Creed: Unity, these disasters have done little to damper my admiration for indie titles on my Windows-based hardware. Both Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm and Gunpower are all due for playtime this week- each offering their own take on the fighting and puzzle genres. The former exhibits the sumptuous sprite work and precision of Capcom’s golden era, while the latter blends Rube Goldberg-like puzzles, explosions, all held together by a plotline about anthropomorphic characters right out of Disney’s Robin Hood.
Gonçalo’s Pick: Sadly, I’ve never played Ar Tonelico or any title in this series. With that said, Ar No Surge is often referred as an emotional JRPG and one of the franchise’s strongest entries. The trailer alone sold me on its visuals and musical flare. This enhanced version featuring all DLC packs is extra icing on an irresistibly sweet package.
Do it right for the forth: give us a Ar Nosurge Plus review.
Nice looking new release girl this week.
Skullgirls 2nd Encore and the two free Vita games for me this week.
Just a suggestion: what about linking to all the Steam games? Maybe PSN at well.
Battle Fantasia is coming to PC? Wow, I remember that fighter. Wasn’t half bad.
Unbalanced? yes, but fun too.
If it’s selling for less than $12, I might pick it up as well.
Good call. Gunpower does look kind of fun.
Ar nosurge Plus for me this week.
Happy 4th of July, everyone!
In honor of the holiday, what game has the best explosions?
For my money, Geometry Wars. The little shapes are like little pyrotechnics.
Crysis or GTA V. Hands down.
Mercenaries 2, nukes have yet to be topped.