New Game Releases: July 7th-13th 2016
From the third re-appearance of Resident Evil 5, Insomniac’s latest title, and even a Kinect-focused game, it’s an interesting week for new games releases. For those who aren’t into battling bioterrorism or struggling with motion controls, a few other offering await. Tumblestone extends multiplayer puzzling, while 7th Dragon III Code: VFD might satisfy 3DS-owning role-playing fans.
Header image: 7th Dragon III Code: VFD, 3DS
PlayStation 3
Tumblestone (PSN, $TBA, Cross-buy)
PlayStation 4
Assault Suit Leynos (PSN, $19.99)
Carmageddon: Max Damage (PSN, $39.99)
Ghostbusters (retail and PSN, $49.99)
Hawken (PSN, free-to-play)
Resident Evil 5 – Standard Edition (retail, $19.99)
Song of the Deep (PSN, $14.99)
Tumblestone (PSN, $TBA, Cross-buy)
Videoball (PSN, $14.99)
Wii U
Baseball Simulator 1.000 (eShop, Virtual Console, $4.99)
Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll (eShop, Virtual Console, $4.99)
Steel Lords (eShop, $14.99)
Tap Tap Arcade 2 (eShop, $2.99)
Tumblestone (eShop, $TBA)
Xbox One
Anarcute (XGS, $14.99)
Carmageddon: Max Damage (XGS, $39.99)
Fru (XGS, Kinect, $TBA)
Ghostbusters (retail and XGS, $49.99)
Resident Evil 5 – Standard Edition (retail, $19.99)
Song of the Deep (XGS, $14.99)
Tumblestone (XGS, $TBA)
Videoball (PSN, $14.99)
7th Dragon III Code: VFD (retail and eShop, $39.99)
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (eShop, Virtual Console, $7.99)
PS Vita
Tumblestone (PSN, $TBA, Cross-buy)
Anarcute ($14.99)
Black Moon Chronicles ($TBA)
Evolution Planet: Gold Edition ($2.99)
Fly O’Clock ($TBA)
Ghostbusters ($49.99)
MilitAnt ($TBA)
Necropolis ($TBA)
Nurse Love Addiction ($33.99)
Song of the Deep ($14.99)
TRIZEAL Remix ($9.59)
Tumblestone ($TBA)
Umineko When They Cry (Question Arc) ($TBA)
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late ($TBA)
Videoball ($TBA)
Virtual Battlemap ($26.99)
Robert’s Pick: While I’m interested in Anarcute’s city-busting mischievousness, there’s a soft spot in my heart for 7th Dragon III Code: VFD. Much like Stella Glow, SEGA took over development duties when Imageepoch went under and its CEO mysteriously disappeared. While the fourth entry in the series isn’t going to break many dungeon-crawling conventions, the demo demonstrated that experimenting with different combination of character classes could be compelling. Music by Yūzō Koshiro (ActRaiser 2, Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight) and frequent Miku-musician are icing on the cake.
Gonçalo’s Pick: Longtime console gamers might remember an early Sega Genesis mecha game titled Assault Earth or its SNES spin-off, Cybernator. Known as the Assault Suit series in Japan, this IP never garnered the same level of attention as its contemporaries and fell into obscurity towards the advent of polygonal gaming. For this reason, I was beyond surprised when I heard Target Earth was received a PS4 remake, now being released under its original title, Assault Suit Leynos. Anyone with an appreciation for old-school 2D mech would do well to look into this release.
I saw Tumblestone was going to be $29.99, which is a little crazy to me.
Stella Glow was Imageepoch last game. I was under the impression that VFD was all Sega.
Well, it resuses some code from the previous games, but there is some Imageepoch still in the game.
I wonder what’s going to tank harder the Ghostbusters movie or the game.
Both will fail hard. Mark my words.
Another unneeded, shitty Hollywood remake and another crappy Activision tie-in. I’m hoping both fail to put a stop to the practices.
And before anyone tries to SJW me, it’s got nothing to do with casting. I like two of the four stars.
Wait- which one is Insomniac’s new game?
I’ll give Hawken a try since its free.
I hope you review Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late. Thinking about picking this up.
Nothing of interest for me. Back to Overwatch.
I’m thinking about getting Under Night In-Birth, depending on how deep the launch week discount is.