New Game Releases: September 15th-21st, 2016
With eighty and hundred dollar iterations of NBA 2K17 and Forza Horizon 3 hitting store shelves and download services, this can be an expensive week for a gamer. But luckily for those who those with a bit more self-control, this week’s schedule of new game releases offers a number of enticing alternatives, from a 3DS version of Dragon Quest VII to the faux-retro goodness of Noitu Love: Devolution.
Image header: Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past, 3DS
PlayStation 3
NBA 2K17 – Early Tip Off Edition (retail, $59.99)
PlayStation 4
Destiny The Collection (retail, $59.99)
NBA 2K17 (retail and PSN, $59.99)
NBA 2K17- Legends Gold (retail, $99.99)
Wii U
Aenigma Os (eShop, $6.99)
Brick Breaker (eShop, $4.99)
Gear Gauntlet (eShop, $9.99)
Grand Prix Rock ‘N Racing (eShop, $7.99)
Noitu Love: Devolution (eShop, $8.99)
Shooty Space (eShop, $2.99)
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (eShop, $19.99)
Xbox 360
NBA 2K17 – Early Tip Off Edition (retail, $59.99)
Xbox One
Destiny The Collection (retail, $59.99)
NBA 2K17 (retail and PSN, $59.99)
NBA 2K17- Legends Gold (retail, $99.99)
Collide-a-Ball (eShop, $1.99)
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past (retail and eShop, $39.99)
Noitu Love: Devolution (eShop, $8.99)
Polara (eShop, $5.00)
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (retail and eShop, $49.99)
Splat The Difference (eShop, $5.00)
PC (via Steam unless noted)
Chaos of Hearts ($4.49)
Cossacks 3 ($TBA)
Divinity: Original Sin 2 ($44.99)
Dragon Bros ($8.09)
Momonga Pinball Adventures ($TBA)
NBA 2K17 Standard Edition ($59.99)
NBA 2K17 Legend Edition ($79.99)
NBA 2K17 Legend Gold Edition ($99.99)
Shotgun Raiders ($TBA)
Soccer Manager 2017 ($TBA)
Robert’s Pick: Way back when, the prospect of each new Gran Turismo release would have me giddy. I still remember waiting outside Gamestop with an eclectic mix of gearheads and geeks for the release of the third game. But gradually, Digital Polyphony’s releases lost their luster, with each successive light simulation feeling increasingly sterile. Seizing the opportunity, the Forza and Forza Horizon franchises gradually captured the racing crown, with the latter offering an especially engaging experience that carefully balanced accessible physics modeling with the type of hyperbolic situations that racing games do so well.
A week without any anime girls makes me kind of sad.
FH3 over DQVII? Robert, are you OK?
I’d like to see a Momonga Pinball Adventures review. Just a suggestion!
Wow, Divinity: Original Sin 2 is out? Why isn’t anyone making a bigger deal about it? The first game was great.
I don’t think I’d ever spend $100 on a game. Even if I loved the franchise, that’s just too much money for something that will more than likely drop in price.
Will Forza Horizon 3 DLC itself to death or has MS learned their lesson yet?
I have DQVII for the PSOne still. IS the 3DS version all that much different.
The 3DS version looks MUCH nicer. The PSOne game was uggo, even back then.
You cray-cray. The old one had its charms.
No, he’s right. It’s scarier than when you grandma goes commando. Just get the 3DS version and try to forgot.
I’m trying to forget your English skills right now.
Picking up DQ7 today,. Early reviews seemed pretty positive.
Where’s Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse???????????????
Oops. Omitting that was a pretty big mistake.
Major error! hahaha
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is $50 freaking dollars? I’ll be Atlus Poor this week.