New Game Releases: September 24th-30th, 2015
The release of two NBA titles, an entry in the lapsed Tony Hawk franchise, and LEGO’s initiation into the RFID-driven “toys-to-life” genre dominate this week’s schedule of new game releases. While these heavy hitters are poised to crowd retail shelves and drain wallets, both the Wii U and PC will play host to more modestly-price digital fare. Frugal friends will likely want to pass over Dungeon Defenders II’s multi-tiered, pre-Alpha build. It’s not the game isn’t fun, but it fated to be free to play once the final build is finished.
Header Image: A Kiss for the Petals – Remembering How We Met, PC
PlayStation 3
LEGO Dimensions ($99.99)
NBA 2K16 (also on PSN, $59.99)
Samurai Warriors 4-II (PSN, $39.99)
PlayStation 4
Dungeon Defenders II (PSN, $15, $25 and $75 tiers)
Grand Ages: Medieval (PSN, $TBA)
LEGO Dimensions ($99.99)
NBA 2K16 (also on PSN, $59.99)
NBA 2K16 : Early Tip-off Edition ($59.99)
NBA 2K16: Michael Jordan Special Edition (also on PSN, $79.99)
NBA Live 16 ($59.99)
Samurai Warriors 4-II (also on PSN, $49.99)
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 (also on PSN, $59.99)
Wii U
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians (eShop, $8.99)
Hold Your Fire: A Game About Responsibility (eShop, $1.99)
Job the Leprechaun (eShop, $2.99)
LEGO Dimensions ($99.99)
Nova-111 (eShop, $10.99)
Starwhal (eShop, $11.99)
The Ignition Factor (eShop, Virtual Console, $7.99)
Xbox 360
LEGO Dimensions ($99.99)
NBA 2K16 ($59.99)
Xbox One
LEGO Dimensions ($99.99)
NBA 2K16 (also on XGS, $59.99)
NBA 2K16 : Early Tip-off Edition ($59.99)
NBA 2K16: Michael Jordan Special Edition (also on XGS, $79.99)
NBA Live 16 ($59.99)
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 (also on XGS, $39.99)
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (also on eShop, $49.99)
PS Vita
Persona 4: Dancing All Night (also on PSN, $49.99)
Persona 4: Dancing All Night -Disco Fever Edition ($79.99)
Samurai Warriors 4-II (PSN, $39.99)
PC (All available Steam unless noted)
A Kiss for the Petals – Remembering How We Met ($TBA)
Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!! ($TBA)
Burstfire ($5.99)
Cities: Skylines – After Dark (DLC, $14.99)
Champions Of Chaos 2 ($5.99)
CortexGear:AngryDroids ($5.99)
Doodle God ($4.79)
Dungeon Manager ZV ($TBA)
Else Heart.Break() ($17.49)
Fallout Anthology ($TBA)
Final Fantasy V ($15.99)
Grand Ages: Medieval ($33.99)
Haywire on Fuel Station Zeta ($8.99)
Jagged Alliance Online: Reloaded ($8.49)
MODO indie 901 ($14.99)
NBA 2K16 ($59.99)
NBA 2K16: Michael Jordan Special Edition ($79.99)
Piloteer ($TBA)
Planetship ($7.64)
Pool Nation FV ($TBA)
Reverse Crawl ($4.79)
Romero’s Aftermath (free to Play)
Samurai Warriors 4-II ($49.99)
Snail Bob 2 ($4.49)
Tango Fiesta ($8.70)
Uncraft World ($TBA)
Verlies II ($TBA)
Robert’s Pick: In concept, Atlus’ decision to turn create a Persona 4 spin-off centered on dancing seemed like a dubious choice. But in execution, Dancing All Night is a thoroughly enchanting and energetic title, offering both a surprisingly poignant storyline and one of the best rhythm games to ever grace a portable system. If you do pick up the title, just make sure to squirrel away a few dollars for the Hatsune Miku DLC coming next month. Who said nothing good comes from corporate acquisitions?
Gonçalo’s Pick: There’s a reason why the Fallout series has been revered by PC gamers even before its third iteration. Featuring perhaps the deepest dialog system in any videogame, it wowed RPG-addicts back then with its sheer open-ended experience and engaging stat-based combat. While its graphical output may not impress by today’s standards I wholeheartedly recommend Fallout Anthology to anyone who enjoyed Fallout 3 or New Vegas.
Does Tony Hawk still skate in real life or like Madden just use his name?
I know Doodle God is huge on mobile, but I tried it. It was the dumbest game I ever played. I don’t even think it was a game.
Ok, gotta keep it going.
The game that best describes my sex life– Hold Your Fire: A Game About Responsibility
I like the relaxed pace of Animal crossing games, but Happy Home Designer just isn’t getting me excited. Anything I’d miss by not playing it?
NBA Live has about as much chance of beating NBA 2K16 as the T-Wolves winning it all.
Persona 4: Dancing All Night for me. I like the lolis this week.
Cute pic this week. I’d like to grab P4: DAN.
LEGO Dimensions is $100? Holy Joel McHale’s got a drug habit, that’s a lot of money.
Make mine Sono Hanabira.
So what’s the word on Tony Hawk 5? Will it be any good or just a cash-in?