New Game Releases: April 28th-May 4th, 2016


With the release of Bandai Namco’s Lost Reavers and Mini Mario & Friends: Amiibo Challenge, it seems Nintendo is committing to a ride on the free-to-play train. While the strategy might not save the Wii U from imminent extinction, it would be an attractive strategy for software-hungry owners. For those willing to fork over a bit of cash, the eShop appearance of Xenoblade Chronicles looks to diminish the lofty value of those physical disks on eBay.

Header image: OZMAFIA!!, PC

PlayStation 4
Azkend 2: The World Beneath (PlayStation Network, $7.99, cross-buy)
Battleborn (also on PlayStation Network, $59.99)
Buff Knight Advanced (PlayStation Network, $7.99)
Coffin Dodgers (PlayStation Network, $11.99)
Corridor Z (PlayStation Network, $7.99, cross-buy)
Neverending Nightmares (PlayStation Network, $14.99, cross-buy)
Push Me Pull You (PlayStation Network, $14.99)
Shadow Complex Remastered (PlayStation Network, $14.99)
Tables Top Racing: World Tour (PlayStation Network, $19.99)
The King of Fighters 2000 (PlayStation Network, $9.99)
The Park (PlayStation Network, $12.99)

Xbox One
Battleborn (also on XGS, $59.99)
Shadow Complex Remastered (XGS, $14.99)
SUPERHOT (XGS, $24.99)
The Park (XGS, $12.99)

Wii U
Lost Reavers (eShop, free-to-play)
Mini Mario & Friends: Amiibo Challenge (eShop, free)
The Deer God (eShop, $7.99)
Xenoblade Chronicles (eShop, Virtual Console, $19.99)

Ash (eShop, $3.99)
Mini Mario & Friends: Amiibo Challenge (eShop, free)
Pokémon Rumble World (retail, $29.99)

PS Vita
Azkend 2: The World Beneath (PlayStation Network, $7.99, cross-buy)
Corridor Z (PlayStation Network, $7.99, cross-buy)
Neverending Nightmares (PlayStation Network, $14.99, cross-buy)
Ray Gigant (PlayStation Network, $29.99)

Abrix the Robot ($6.99)
Assassins vs. Pirates ($TBA)
Astral Domine (VR, $TBA)
Battleborn ($59.99)
Bibou ($1.79)
Classic Fun Collection 5 in 1 ($2.79)
Cubium Dreams ($4.99)
Experience ($1.99)
Flag N Frag ($2.69)
HordeZ ($11.99)
Initia: Elemental Arena ($16.99)
Liveza: Death of the Earth ($TBA)
Melting Hearts: Our Love Will Grow 2 ($TBA)
Mimic Arena ($TBA)
Mr Nibbles Forever ($2.54)
OZMAFIA!! (29.74)
Pharaonic ($13.59)
Police Infinity ($14.99)
Pro Gamer Manager ($8.44)
Puzzle Galaxies ($0.84)
Secrets of Deep Earth Shrine ($TBA)
Selenon Rising ($5.39)
Shadow Complex Remastered (Windows Store, $14.99)
Starship Corporation ($17.99)
Stealth Labyrinth (VR, $2.54)
The Escapists: Walking Dead (Windows Store, $19.99)
Valiant (VR, $TBA)
Vega Tank ($3.74)
Zombillie ($TBA)

Robert’s Pick: One major role-playing regret is not having purchased Xenoblade Chronicles at release. While waiting for a sale, inventory dried up, prompting Game Quest Direct to reprint those outrageously priced copies. While I eventually picked up the 3DS iteration, I always longed to enjoy the game on a big screen. This week, that wish comes true, with the title hitting the eShop at a reasonable $20 price point.

Xenoblade Chronicles

Gonçalo’s Pick: During the turn of the millennium, arcades began to dwindle. Popular new consoles such as the PlayStation, Saturn, N64 and eventually their successors turned gamers away from coin-op experiences leading to its eventual death in the west. Interestingly enough, arcades were popular enough in Japan that some developers still focused almost exclusively in this particular market, shirking development for home systems One such case was SNK, who kept releasing Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown and King Fighters games well into the 2000s with only the occasional homeport being released for us westerns. The PSN port of The King of Fighters 2000 for the Playstation 4, marks the first time this iteration of Street Fighter‘s greatest rival is officially released in western markets. We can only hope it garners enough sales to warrant more future releases.

The King of Fighters 2000

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. Dont get me wrong I like anime-style art as much as the next weeb. But that romantic crap of guys hugging girls just turns me off.

  2. Is it me or did VR totally fail at launch. I mean I know it’s slow getting the hardware out there, but no one is talking VR anymore.

    1. I talked about VR on Neogaf but I guess the masses didn’t agree with my opinion. What’s a discussion board for, total consensus? Ah well, ended up getting a short ban.

  3. Was going to download Mini Mario & Friends: Amiibo Challenge but it’s New 3DS only. Thanks for making things confusing Nintendo.

  4. I feel like I know so little about Battleborn. I get it confused with Overwatch.

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