New Releases: January 2nd-8th, 2020
Sure, we’re still slogging through the January doldrums which means a restrained number of new releases. That said, there’s still a few remarkable titles, with a pair of yuri-themed visual novels arriving on Switch as well as Touhou STG on PC.
Header image: Nurse Love Addiction, PC
Battojutsu (digital, $1.99)
Blackmoor 2 (digital, $9.99)
Croc’s World 3 (digital, $4.99)
Link-a-Pix Deluxe (digital, $7.99)
Nurse Love Addiction (digital, $39.99)
Nurse Love Syndrome (digital, $39.99)
Ultimate Racing 2D (digital, $9.99)
Xbox One
Animal Friends Adventure (digital, $15.99)
Dragon Sinker: Descendants of Legend (digital, $14.99)
Bunker 56 ($0.99)
Chameleon ($TBA)
ReversiQuest2 ($TBA)
Tennis Fighters ($16.99)
Touhou Phantasm Dream ($TBA)
Weekly picks will return next week!
There’s two games I expect you to review this week. You know what they are.
Robert wanted to pick one of the Nurse Love games but couldn’t decide on which one.
There’s a small chance that ReversiQuest2 might be good.
Nothing at all this week!