New Releases for the Week of April 24th-30th, 2013
From the PS3-exclusive director’s cut of Deadly Premonition to Blood Dragon’s neon-drenched homage to ’80s cinema using the Far Cry 3 engine, this week’s itinerary of new releases offers a number of remarkable revisions. Also notable is this week’s launch of the Rayman Legends Challenges App-a free download that combines a hand-on demo and with a healthy dose of apologia for the full game’s delayed release.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (XBL, $15.00)
Poker Night 2 (XBL, $10.00)
Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (PSN, $14.99)
Sengoku (Virtual Console, $9.00)
Wii U
Rayman Legends Challenges App (eShop, Free)
Crazy Construction (eShop, $4.99)
Mega Man 4 (eShop, $ 4.99)
Color Commando (DSiWare, $TBA )
Soul Sacrifice
EverQuest II: Scars of the Awakened
Expeditions: Conquistador
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Full Mojo Rampage
Legends of Eisenwald
Might & Magic Heroes VI – Shades of Darkness
Ragnarok Online 2
Strike Suit Infinity
TrackMania 2 Stadium
Zeno Clash II
Robert’s Pick: It seems like it has been a long time since the PS Vita had an exclusive title worth getting excited about. With this week’s release of Soul Sacrifice, my neglected portable is dusted, charged, and prepped for Keiji Inafune’s latest. Elevated by taut controls, four player co-operative play, and an intriguing mechanic where players surrender body parts (or even themselves) for the collective benefit of the team, I’ll likely be relinquishing $40 dollars on the title.
Sage’s Pick: FEZ! We’ve only talked about it a dozen times on the show, and ever since I missed it on 360 (my hard drive couldn’t hack it) I’ve been hankering to play. The puzzformer genre is one I always enjoy, and Fez‘s abstractions on 2D and 3D antics appeals to the “Flatland”-loving nerd in me. Plus, now Jeremy and I can discuss the game in greater detail since I will have actually played it all the way through. Also the price point won’t leave me starving for the week.
Are you sure Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is $14.99? Ive been hyped for the game and tried to find the price for it for a few days now.
So Soul Sacrifice is doing the original Japanese VO as a preorder bonus. Know if they include it if you buy the game from PSN?
I really hope so, if not I probably wouldn’t buy the same just to send this message not to screw with us. Charging for voice options seems like a dick move that needs to stop.
How many calories can I burn off with the Rayman Legends Challenges App?
J/K 😉
Godzilla with laser eyes? Sign me dafuq up!
I really want to try (and maybe if there’s enough content) buy Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
I like the way you’re finally calling the Vita out Robert. It’s been over a year since we got a high-profile game. The demo of Soul Sacrifice was good but not great, but as a Vita owner that’s starving for new experiences (not cross-play titles) I’ll probably get it.
I’m in for TrackMania 2 Stadium. I can’t get enough of the series and its one of the few games that runs perfect on my PC.
Trackmania Stadium is out now on Steam. Also it’s “2” to the second power, not “2” sequelized.
Rayman Legends Challenges App is more of a demo than a real game. It probably shouldnt be listed.
I heard great things about Deadly Premonition. I always heard it was awful as well.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon looks really awesome.
I don’t know if the Vita or Wii U has disappointed me more. Both are screaming for more original games, both give us ports.
Sage, you can you give Phil Fish your money? The game’s an extra acidic douchebag who screams for attention.
“Japanese games suck”
“You ingrates should pay $90 for my MFing game”
and then, he doesn’t even work with Microsoft to patch the 360 version, which remains broken to this day.
Yeah, I understand Fez is a good game and it looks like something I’d like, but I’m not going to support someone like Fish.