New Releases for the Week of April 17th-23rd, 2013

Dragon's Dogma Dark ArisenAlthough internet connectivity provides a painless method for publishers to patch their games, savvy gamers may have noticed an emergent trend: the redux. Following in the footsteps of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, a release which provided new content and audience-appeasing changes, this week offers the unveiling of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. Available as either a $39.99 USD retail disk or marketplace download, the standalone title offers an overhaul of the original game, while adding new enemies, quests, locales, weapons, armor, as well as character customization options. While we certainly enjoy a title such as Dark Arisen demonstrating post-release progress, charging players a substantial price for a content-added rerelease make us feel a bit uneasy. Hopefully, the industry can find a way to uphold the evolutionary process, while not being quite so punitive to a game’s early adopters.

Assassin’s Creed III – The Redemption (DLC, XBL, $9.99)
Dead Island: Riptide
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
God Mode (XBL, $10.00)
Sacred Citadel (XBL, $15.00)
Star Trek The Video Game

Assassin’s Creed III – The Redemption (DLC, PSN, $9.99)
Dead Island: Riptide
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
Star Trek The Video Game

Wii U
No Releases

Fire Emblem: Awakening – The Radiant Hero (DLC. Spotpass, Free)
Harvest Moon 3D: The Tale of Two Towns, (eShop, $29.99)
LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins
Mystery Murders: Jack the Ripper (eShop, $9.99)
Puzzler Brain Games (eShop, $9.99)
Puzzler World 2013 (eShop, TBA)
Super Little Acorns 3D Turbo (eShop, $7.99)
Tetris Axis (eShop, $TBA)
Witch & Hero (eShop, $3.99)

Puzzler Brain Games (DSiWare, $TBA)
Puzzler World 2013 (DsiWare, $TBA)
Working Dawgs: Rivet Retriever (DSiWare, $1.99)

Black Rock Shooter: The Game (PSN, $19.99)

No Releases

Assassin’s Creed III – The Redemption (DLc, $9.99)
Dead Island: Riptide
Don’t Starve
Poker Night 2
Star Trek The Video Game

Robert’s Pick: Few games have an impetus as interesting as Black Rock Shooter: The Game. What began as character art conceived by Ryohei “Huke” Fuke soon inspired Supercell’s Hatsune Miku-voiced song, which in turn stimulated an original video animation, an eight-part anime, and finally- this week’s game. This knowledge is largely superfluous for gamers yearning to see a spike-haired, indigo-eyed, Lolita throw down a ballistic barrage in a battle system that combines real-time and turn-based methods.

Black Rock Shooter: The Game

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. I agree with your point about Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, but is it any better that Dead Island: Riptide looks like an expansion pack rather that a full fledged sequel?

  2. Plenty of eShop titles this week.

    About re-relases- for game I’m sort of interested in, I wait for the GOTY or Greatest Hits version. It usually has all of the content, and patches for a $20 price. You can’t beat that. But when you ask $40, that’s a bit much. I guess I’ll wait until that goes on sale.

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