New Releases for the Week of August 14, 2011

With the return of a lycanthropic Centurion (Altered Beast), Ryu- an amnesiac who can transform into a dragon (Breath of Five IV) as well as the titular Travis Touchdown (of No More Heroes fame) players should be well-acquainted with this week’s protagonists. Sure, Jerry Rice’s name may sound familiar as well, even if the concept of his game isn’t. Jerry Rice & Nitus Dog Football allows players to take the helm of an all-canine sports team. Even for Wii owners who don’t know a wide receiver from a Labrador Retriever, this sounds like a wonderfully offbeat concept. Now, lets call a time out and hit that fireplug.

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Toy Soldiers: Cold War (XBLA)

Altered Beast
Breath of Fire IV (PSN)
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise

Jerry Rice & Nitus Dog Football

New Releases listed on Thursday

Junior Mystery Quest
Pucca Power Up
Puzzler World 2

Breath of Fire IV (PSN)
Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death (PSN)

6 Great Games
Age of Empires Online
Chainz Galaxy
From Dust

DesertEagle’s Pick: Although the original Toy Soldiers was a proficient title, adding a much-needed dose of interactivity to the usual set-and-forget mechanics of a tower defense game, the sequel appears poised to trump the original game in a multitude of ways. With survival modes, the ability to rewind time, drivable units, destructible environments and Rambo-era aesthetics, the only thing that this homage to sandbox-warfare didn’t include was a bag of M-80’s with every download.

Samurage’s Pick: Finally, I get to enjoy building nations from dirt with a mouse and keyboard. From Dust it is!

BlueSwim’s Pick: Travis Touchdown touches down on the PS3 this week with No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise, an HD version of 2008’s No More Heroes with a few extra bells and whistles thrown in for good measure. Sporting everything from pro wrestling moves to a mid-fight slot machine, it’s far from the ordinary action game. That is No More Heroes‘ biggest strength. It’s a unique, stylishly cel-shaded and bloody-good slasher. If you missed out on the Wii title, definitely give Heroes’ Paradise a look.

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. I think it’s time for Grasshopper to get my money. I’ll be Gameflying No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise and maybe buying it if the quality is there.

  2. Altered Beast always reminds me of that podcast talk you had. The game isn’t the same for me anymore.

  3. No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise and El Shaddai this week. First good week in months.

    1. Im really looking forward to it, but haven’t seen much preview coverage that says anything about it.

  4. Jerry Rice & Nitus Dog Football sounds crazy. I couldn’t beleive that was a real game.

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