New Releases for the Week of Jan. 2nd-9th, 2013
The old adage, “strike when the iron is hot” seems particularly relevant this week. Between the ubiquity of holiday gift cards, a scarcity of new titles on store shelves, and a $29.99 MSRP, Anarchy Reigns stands a decent chance at success. Likely, Platinum Game’s beat ‘em up would have faced stiff competition had the game held to its original March release, vying against titles such as Tomb Raider, God of War: Ascension, Gears of War: Judgment, and BioShock Infinite. Now, it’s only threats are the typical tide of price drops which inaugurate a new year.
Anarchy Reigns
Retro City Rampage (XBLA, $10.00)
Anarchy Reigns
Wii U
No releases
Unchained Blades (eShop, $29.99)
No releases
Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable (PSN, $39.99)
The Sims 3: Monte Vista Expansion
Robert’s Pick: For JRPG fans who missed the PSP iteration of Unchained Blades, the 3DS version should provide a capable substitute. As a fan of Platinum Game’s output, I’ll be picking up Anarchy Reigns, keeping my expectations in check and my pre-order money deposited in the Bank of Gamestop. The retailer has a lock on the Bayonetta DLC, forcing fans to ante up if they want to have a go with the bespectacled, gun-booted seductress.
Eric’s Pick: It’s not hard to figure out why this week’s release list is light; the holiday season is over. Everyone is busy chipping away at the games they got for Christmas. If, somehow, you’re already looking for a brand-new game to play, it might as well be Anarchy Reigns. With Bayonetta 2 being a Wii U exclusive, this might be the last time the Xbox 360 and PS3 see the sultry sweets-lover.
That’s barely a new release list at two titles. 😛
Since Anarchy Reigns already came out in Japan a while ago, what were the scores like? Anyone read Famitsu here?
Anarchy Reigns – 9/9/9/9 from the 6/26/12 issue.
Isn’t it widely known that Famistu’s review scores are influenced by advertising? Or is that conspiracy theory?
If you believe Brian Ashcraft:
So Retro City Rampage is free on PS+ and $15 on Xbox Live?
Thanks, but no thanks, MS.
$29.99 for AR? I’m in on that. And Yep, Gamestop will probably get my dirty money.
I doubt anyone who buys Anarchy Reigns is going to pick up BioShock Infinite at launch.
I just might pick up Unchained Blades since I have a $20 Nintendo card.
Unchained Blades looks good to me. I wonder if it is the exact same as the PSP game.
I glad RCR finally came out for 360 owners.
Are you sure Unchained Blades is coming out this week?
BTW: Code of Princess is up for download as well.
What happened to the Friday posts?
Did anyone else notice the title is from last year 😛
Good eye, Pyro. I’m still in denial that a new year is upon us.