New Releases for the Week of January 15th, 2012

With January’s trifecta of disk-based titles still two weeks away, gamers are going to have to rely on ancillary content to keep them satisfied until NeverDead, SoulCalibur V, and Final Fantasy XIII-2 hit store shelves. Although this week’s ancillary content for Gears of War 3 and Saints Row: The Third enter a marketplace relatively free of competition, it will be interesting to see how well subsequent DLC offers will fare once the release schedule becomes more crowded.

Gears of War 3: Fenix Rising Map Pack (DLC, $10)
Haunt (XBLA, $10)
Saints Row: The Third – Genki Bowl VII (DLC, $7)
Saints Row: The Third – Genkibowl VII Viewer Pack (DLC, Free)
ScaryGirl (XBLA, $10)

Amy (PSN, $10)
Gran Turismo 5 XL
Ico (PSN, $19.99)
Saints Row: The Third – Genki Bowl VII (DLC, $7)
Saints Row: The Third – CheapyD Pack (DLC, Free)
Shadow of the Colossus (PSN, $19.99)
ScaryGirl (PSN)
Zack Zero (PSN, $12.99)

Jungle Speed
Stonekeep: Bones of the Ancestors (WiiWare)

Lock and Chase (eShop)

Anne’s Doll Studio: Gothic Collection (eShop)
Gaia’s Moon (eShop)
What’s Your Type?

New PSP releases updated 1/17

Saints Row: The Third – Genki Bowl VII (DLC, $7)

DesertEagle’s Pick: As someone who habitually skips DLC, I’ll be breaking that trend to grab the free CheapyD Pack for Saints Row: The Third. If hearing the Cheapassgamer honco yell “Bigass chains” (and hopefully reference his cohosts Shipwreck and Wombat) can’t rekindle my interest in the title, nothing will.

BlueSwim’s Pick: This is a special new release pick for me. I get to recommend DLC of the person who gave me a medium to express myself in. If not for CheapyD and CheapAssGamer, I wouldn’t have started blogging and might not have met Deagle, Sean, and later Sage and all of you readers/listeners. I owe these friendships to CheapyD, so giving the thumbs-up to his *FREE* DLC is the least that I can do. And if you haven’t already picked up Saints Row: The Third, might I suggest checking to find the best price on it?

SeanNOLA’s Pick: The PSP Mini version of ScaryGirl was an interesting exercise in marrying a side-scrolling platformer with light adventure mechanics. It never blew my mind, but it was well worth the $0 PlayStation Plus members had to spend on it. It will be interesting to see whether the graphical upgrade warrants the price tag (or any price tag for that matter).

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. How much is Saints Row: 3rd down to? There’s something wrong about Cheapy being in a $60 game.

  2. Here the thing. Usually CheapyD is pretty critical. (Listen to him talk about the Vita)

    But he talking about SR:3 like it’s the second coming. That’s only beacuse he’s in the game.

    I played it, it’s ok, but way too much like SR:2. Thats’s probably why it got reviews in the 7 and 8’s.

  3. I’ll download CheapyD this week, and get the game once it drops in price.

    Yes, big ass chains-CAG style.

  4. Wait, is CheapyD not in the 360 version, or is he in the Genkibowl VII Viewer Pack? Seems weird they would do it like that.

  5. Damnit, I was doing just fine without SR:3, now, I’m pretty curious about Cheapys appearance.

  6. Shipwreck needs to be in the game with a squadron of jr. high school cybergirls that he controls. I’d buy that for a dollar (or five)

  7. CheapyD download is free. Buying a new pair of cargo pants after he craps in his first pair will cost you a dollar each time though.

    Damn you, Volition.

  8. That’s pretty cool that he gets to be in the game.

    Sigh. I can only dream and use character creators.

  9. Is there a demo for SR on XBLA? I like open world games but it has to do more than just be a bunch of raunchy humor (like SR:2 was).

  10. Can’t wait for that Jim Sterling DLC character to spew flaming hatred and eat every enemy in sight.

  11. Just saw on the PSBlog there’s some really good deals this week:

    PixelJunk SideScroller – Regular $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89
    PAYDAY: The Heist – Regular $19.99, Sale $13.99, PS Plus $9.79
    Dungeon Defenders – Regular $14.99, Sale $10.49, PS Plus $7.34
    Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection – Regular $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89
    Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition – Regular $14.99, Sale $10.49, PS Plus $7.34
    Eufloria – Regular $9.99, Sale $6.99, Plus $4.89
    BloodRayne: Betrayal – Regular $14.99, Sale $10.49, PS Plus $7.34
    Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken – Regular $11.99, Sale $8.39, PS Plus $5.87
    Cubixx HD – Regular $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89
    Sideway New York – Regular $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89
    Rochard – Regular $9.99, Sale $6.99, PS Plus $4.89
    Okabu – Regular $14.99, Sale $10.49, PS Plus $7.34

  12. Nice.

    I’ll be buying a $20 card to pick up PixelJunk SideScroller and Okabu. Maybe I’ll get the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection if I hear good things about it.

    1. Last time I played the SP was as cheap as ever but the online MP was broken due to lag. I don’t know if they fixed the game or not, but if they didn’t save your money.

  13. CheapyD is pretty glitchy. The guy doesn’t finish his sentences and like to die all the time.

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