New Releases for the Week of January 29th, 2012
With January’s gaming drought now behind us, the first week of February is ushering in a cornucopia of familiar ways to pass time during these frigid Winter months. From a homecoming for SoulCalibur‘s Mitsurugi and Siegfried to the return of Serah Farron and Noel Kriess in Final Fantasy XIII-2 and even an reappearance by our favorite tropical island jerk, Ryder White, expect to see the return of some well-known faces. We even have it on good authority that a well-known assassin may crash the new release party this week.
Dead Island: Ryder White (DLC)
Double Fine Happy Action Theater (XBLA, $10)
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Legends & Superstars Pack (WWE ’12 DLC)
SoulCalibur V
Dead Island: Ryder White (DLC)
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Legends & Superstars Pack (WWE ’12 DLC)
Puddle (PSN)
SoulCalibur V
Country Dance: Special Edition
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 3D
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword (eShop)
New releases announced 2/5
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee & Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip Dual Pack (PSN)
Age of Enigma: The Secret of the Sixth Ghost
Command Ops: Highway to the Reich
DesertEagle’s Pick: Unmistakably, Square-Enix (as well as assisting studio, tri-Ace) listened togamers complaints about Final Fantasy XIII, as this week’s release of XIII-2 remedies almost every niggling problem with the 2009 JRPG. From elevating combat by allowing battle parties to be joined by domesticated beasts, the inclusion of maps which no longer feel like constricted hallways, as well as the Historia Crux system- a time travelling mechanic which advances the game’s non-linear vibe, the title serves as an absolving act of contrition.
BlueSwim’s Pick: After months of anticipation (and a nebulous “January” release date), WWE ’12 gets its Legends and Superstars DLC Pack. Making their WWE ’12 debuts at only $1/80MSP are legends Mick Foley (A.K.A. Mankind, Cactus Jack, and Dude Love), “The Animal” Batista, and “The Macho Man” Randy Savage. Also joining the your roster for the low, low price of free are Planet Funk’s own “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay and the Attitude Era’s Masked Kane, who is free only for two weeks after release. The DLC arrives hot on the heels of a significant patch that addresses numerous issues, including the ring texture glitch I complained about a few podcasts ago, which goes live the day before WWE ’12 feels “The Madness”.
SeanNOLA’s Pick: I really enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII. Sure, it was linear, and took hours before giving you any freedom whatsoever, but the tone was unique and combat was fairly engaging once it got going. That being said, I never got around to finishing it – and who knows when and if I ever will – so, the chances of me picking up Final Fantasy XIII-2 anywhere close to launch are somewhere inbetween 0 and 1% (that includes a 1% margin of error for the likelihood that someone else’s copy will be delivered to my apartment). Luckily, there is plenty to choose from this week, and I personally can’t wait to get back onto Soul Calibur V‘s Stage of History! I still miss Hwang, but I imagine that I can still tear it up as Maxi.
Samurage’s Pick: SoulCaliburV , Puddle, NeverDead, oh my. After weeks of waiting for something good to come out, this week brings enough titles to satisfy a wide assortment of tastes. I’ve been looking forward to Puddle since E3; I love simple physics games and this one was well developed. SoulCalibur V is also a must have for me, as I’ve been an avid fan of the series since the beginning. And though NeverDead trailers have me thinking the game play may leave something to be desired, the monsters do look decently cool, and I’m interested to see how the storyline plays out. Call it a hat-trick week for me, and if NeverDead doesn’t pan out, there’s always the point and click puzzle solving of Enigma.
Before noon? Wow.
I’ll wait on FFXIII-2, I’m interested, but I see a quick price drop after the fanboys like Deagle get their copy. 😉
I think Tim Schafer and Co. have made some great games. But after seeing the Double Fine Happy Action Theater first look on Giant Bomb, I wonder what the hell they are doing?
Sure the games appeal to a wide audience, but I don’t really see Kinect owning families flocking to grab this one. Hell, even One Upon a Monster was $10 and no one was buying it.
Just watched the video. Man, Tim has a 1,000 yard stare. The guy looks through people.
Ryder White is one of those names that’s only given to porn stars and game characters and never real people.
That’s a lie.
I had to laugh at that one.
Who am I fooling? Final Fantasy XIII-2 it is!
I’ve been waiting for Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword. How come no price is listed?
I might have to pick up SC5 depending on the reviews.
Two word, no space (SoulCalibur, NeverDead) is the new colon in the title it seems.
Soul Calibur V. Brought out my sticks for the guys to come over and the rumble to kick off again this week.
I tell you one thing I won’t be buying: Season Passes.
After buying the SP for Saint’s Row: The 3rd and getting the first of three parts, I feel pretty ripped off. Eight missions and maybe 3 are fun. The Big Katamari ball controls like shit. If THQ goes under I won’t shed a tear.
Sorry OP rant.
This week I’ll try Puddle.
I’ll lick a cat’s butt if SNOLA picks Final Fantasy XIII-2 this week.
C’mon man don’t let me down!
Pucker up!
The real SeanNOLA has a dinosaur and a smart comeback.
Is there a demo for SoulCaliber 5? The last one wasn’t that bad, especially for the $20 I paid for it.
The real SeanNOLA gave a nod to XIII-2, so I think a quick peck on the pooper is fair.
Also, I think i’m changing my twitter ” about me” quote.
Snark snark snark!
“Tech-Gaming’s original snarkophile?”
That PSP dual pack is pretty good. Two great games for $15.
What do I win for leaving the XIII-2th comment?
Masked Kane looks cool.
Can I download now and then play him once I get the game (like when it’s $20)?
I’m not sure. I know that with the Season Pass, you need to buy it in-game or you’ll have to re-buy it.
That’s weak.
with a review like this, who doesn’t want to try Margaritaville?
Let me guess?
Deagle, not sure you listens to this week’s CAGcast. CheapyD said he “hates” Jimmy Buffet as well.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 for me.
HELL-LO IVY! Those things are as big as her head! I don’t think I’ll be able to resist.
I might try the Dead Island DLC, loved that game. It was one of favorites from last year.
Thanks Mr BlueSwim for the WWE info. Is each wrestler $1.00 or is that for the set?
They’re a buck a piece. 🙂
FFXIII-2 for the 360 this week. Yea!
What are you planning to review this week?
One request- I hope you tackle Sakura Samurai. I saw a video that made the game look kind of cool.
Did you record the Puddle vid? Game looks hard (or else you need to practice)
How come Sage doesn’t pick anymore?
You guys are overlooking a winner in Command Ops: Highway to the Reich!
Two votes for Soul Calibur 5? Count me in.
Had WWE ’12 not gotten free DLC this week, it would have been three votes for it. 😀
Yes. FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 today. I’m thinking about taking the day off from school.
If someone made a Disgaea wrestling game we might not ever from Blue and Deagle again. Villains you know what to do. Now get to work.
After watching a live of SCV, I’ll be picking that one up this week. SVIV has the visuals and basics down, but wasn’t all that advanced. 5 looks like it should deliver.
can you please email me when randy savage down load comes to the game.
Macho-MAN! Better yet, how about some videos, guys?
Somehow, I don’t think you want off-screen, shaky-cam videos of me trying to play a game with one hand (One hand on the controller, the other holding the camera. Get your minds out of the gutter). 😛
Savage is now available. 🙂