New Releases for the Week of March 25, 2012
From the lush fairways of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13, the volatile urban streets of Ridge Racer Unbounded to caged octagons of Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted, this week’s new releases offer a wide selection of locales to lay conquest. For those a deliberately darker setting, WayForward Technologies’ Silent Hill: Book of Memories looks to bring Pyramid Head to players on the go, for players who need a good nerve-rattling on their daily commute.
Capcom Digital Collection
Country Dance: All Stars Kinect
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior’s Rise (XBLA)
Ridge Racer Unbounded
South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge (XBLA, $10)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13: The Masters Collector’s Edition
Warriors Orochi 3
Wrecked: Revenge Revisited (XBLA, $15)
Closure (PSN, $15, $12 PS+)
Ridge Racer Unbounded
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13: The Masters Collector’s Edition
Wheels of Destruction: World Tour (PSN, $10)
No releases
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure
No releases
Idiot Squad (PSP Mini)
Silent Hill: Book of Memories (delayed)
Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted
Crusader Kings II
Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage
Rayman Origins
DesertEagle’s Pick: As Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City demonstrated, handing over a Japanese franchise to Western developers can end in tragedy. This week both Ridge Racer Unbounded and Silent Hill: Book of Memories hope to buck the trend. The former delivers everything Namco-Bandai’s games lack: organic, crunchy racing filled with debilitating crashes. WayForward’s adaptation converts Konami’s spooky series into an action oriented dungeon crawl. I plan to be playing both between rounds of Tiger Woods.
SeanNOLA’s Pick: Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure seems doomed to be overlooked, which is sad, because it seems like someone at SEGA put a lot of work into it. From what I’ve seen, the Layton-meets-music game seems to have been very lovingly produced and meticulously localized, but I really had to go looking for any press whatsoever. Not sure why SEGA has been burying their more innovative titles lately, but here’s to hoping that they start bucking that trend soon.
BlueSwim’s Pick: Once again, Tiger is back to lay the smackdown on the PGA Tour. The latest installment in EA’s long-running golf games features a mode where you play as Tiger during various times throughout his career. This year also sees Tiger Woods PGA Tour getting a collector’s edition package that offers six exclusive courses, on top of GameStop and Best Buy’s preorder bonus courses. Don’t ask me how or why, but “Hung Up” from Madonna’s Confessions on a Dance Floor album ended up on the game’s soundtrack. Odd choice for a golf game, but I’ll let it slide since I like that album.
Is Pinball Arcade a Zen game or just a knockoff?
Even if it’s not Zen, I’ll give it a (wait for it) roll.
I wanna get Country Dance! just kidding 😀
That’s not even something you should joke about.
Deagle, why do you have against westerner taking over Japanese games? I can almost guarantee that RRU will be a better game than anything N-B would have made themselves.
So Deagle gotta ask…you going to be reviewing Ridge Racer then?
Expect the trolls to come out of the woodwork and have fire ready.
I’ll try Book of Memories if there’s a demo, but the idea sounds kind of wrong.
Oh and shoutout to the CAGcast. Cheapy, Shipwreck and that other guy rule.
Just kidding- Love you Wombat.
Where’s the new podcast? I need my game trivia and tablet talk dammit!
Unbounded sounds just weird. Ridge Racer Unbound sounds much better IMO.
Can’t wait to see the Ridge Racer Unbounded unboxing video. haha
I always liked the Tiger Woods series. Since the last one I bought was 09, it might be time for an upgrade.
Deagle (and company) why no Warriors Orochi 3 review?
If there’s a RRU demo, I’ll try that.
Where’s Kid Icarus? I’m getting that since its on sale at Best Buy.
The review? Just getting the game from Nintendo today, so it should be posted in a few days.
They need to send you games before (not after they releases)
Tell ’em, Des!
I can imagine who is playing Myst in 2012. Not even casual games.
Book of Memories looks really cool. And Wayforward usually delivers.
I know Supremacy MMA was supposed to suck on console. Did they improve it all for the Vita Version?
“It’s a trap”
Seriously, stay away. If you like MMA pick up EA’s game or UFC 2011. Both can be bought for less than $20
Hey, guys you all have to watch this little SNL skit/ I was LOLing and thought of you:
That was pretty funny. Haven’t watched SNL in years.
I literally have nightmares that this is what our show will turn into, lol.
Actually, it’s not far from where you are not. Minus the annoying fake accents, of course.
Now, not “Not”.
*Reads Sean’s comment*
*Looks at the latest podcast episode title*
Sean, I don’t know how to tell you this, but… XD
Who makes up the show titles? Sean?
That’s it you guys! You need to have musical breaks during the show for overly emotional J-pop ballads.
Hey guys just heard Book of Memories got delayed.
Kind of a strange pick for NOLA, but it IS SEGA, so I’ll go with it.
Silent Hill: Book of Memories was delayed? You’re a tease Des.
Tiger Woods PGA 13 for me this week. I get the game every year.
No purchases this week except for Kid Icarus.
Ridge Racer looks really good. I’m kind of surprised. First time in a while that the game interested me.. Not sure if it’s worth $60.
Madonna is a strange choice for PGA. Does she lip synch for that sport as well?
Is Sage still in Boston? Did she make it back ok or did she OD on green beer?
I’ll be picking up Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 today! I can’t wait.
Grabbing Tiger Woods after work today.
Unbounded is $50 at Gamestop instead on $60,FYI.