New Releases for the Week of May 15th, 2011

This week the anticipation ends. After an aeonian wait of four years, L.A. Noire is finally hitting store shelves, bringing its series of post-war murder mysteries onto our high definition consoles. Likewise, Chrono Trigger hits the stateside Virtual Console, ending an uncomfortable duration for Wii owners. For gamers apathetic toward both titles, solace can be found in the cake-baking exploits of Jill Evans, who (spoiler) through diligence, just might be able to afford that second cupcake machine.

Fallout: New Vegas: Honest Hearts (DLC)
L.A. Noire
The First Templar

Fallout: New Vegas: Honest Hearts (DLC)*
Streets of Rage 2 (PSN)*
L.A. Noire

Chrono Trigger (Virtual Console)
Wicked Monster Blast

Deca Sports Extreme
SpongeBob SquigglePants

Cake Mania: Main Street
Picture Puzzle Collection

No Releases

Fable III
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Two Worlds II: Castle Defense

DesertEagle’s Pick: Role-playing fans who haven’t experienced Chrono Trigger- this week you’ll get to see what all the fuss is about. From improving on FF IV’s Active Battle system, delivering multiple endings, and aptly integrating time travel, the title’s innovations became genre staples. Speaking of time travel, I’m looking forward to seeing a post-war depiction of the City of Angels, where I intend to visit my future residences.

Samurage’s Pick: While I’m excited for Fallout: New Vegas DLC and L.A. Noire, my pick is the one which I’ve been looking forward to close to a year now- Witcher 2. Hopefully, the game will grab and thrill me as much as it’s predecessor did. Word to the Witchers!

*Digitally distributed PlayStation 3 titles hinge on the availability of the PlayStation Network.

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. Ive played Chrono Trigger on the SNES and DS, do I really need another version of it?

  2. I’m waiting to see if Noire is more than just interrogations and has some shootey-shoot!

  3. After all the Fable 3 hype has died, it seems like a perfect time to release the PC version. 😉

  4. Nintendo hope the 3DS will take off with second-stage titles like Spongebob and Deca Sports?

    What is Reggie smoking?

  5. Honest Hearts will always get broken.

    Just ask my good for nothing, ex who wasted the last 17 months of my life. At least I have more time for games now.

  6. Nintendo has better deliver SOMETHING if they don’t want the system to fail. Did they just think people would flock to 3D?

  7. I feel forced to buy Chrono Trigger. Truth be told, I’d rather see it on PSP.

  8. Honest Hearts takes the player on an expedition to the unspoiled wilderness of Utah’s Zion National Park. Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a tribal raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave, you become embroiled in a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaan missionary and the mysterious Burned Man. The decisions you make will determine the fate of Zion.

  9. Key Features:

    New Terrain: Navigate the highs and lows of the steep canyon walls, caves, riverbeds, waterfalls and explore the lush landscapes and rugged terrain in beautiful and sprawling Zion Canyon.

    New Enemies: From the deadly Yao Guai and exotically lethal Greek Geckos to new hostile tribals, Zion Canyon is as dangerous as it is beautiful.

    New Perks and Weapons: Survive the wild with Tribal Wisdom or exact increased damage with Eye for Eye. Honest Hearts offers a host of new perks and weapons including the .45 Auto Pistol, .45 Auto Submachine Gun, the Compliance Regular, Fire Bombs, War Clubs, and Yao Guai Gauntlets.

  10. Why does everyone hate on Mafia 2? I thought it was pretty good. Fun gunplay, driving was cool and the characters were believable.

  11. Just…one…more…week. Just one more week until Dead Or Alive: Dimensions hits the 3DS. I can do this…

    *Breaths into paper bag*

    And two weeks until BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II. Though, the lack of online play is going to cause that price to drop rather quickly.

  12. HAHA, I’ll be picking up both. Well, like you said maybe I’ll wait on Blaz.

  13. Haha- I hope DOA makes me happy about my 3DS purchase. I know that’s a lot to live up to but still- give us some games!

  14. Not sure how much weight these mags’ opinions carry nowadays, but Nintendo Power gave DOA:D a 9 and Famitsu gave it a 36/40. It sounds like it’ll be “DOA solid”, at the very least, which is good-enough for me.

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