New Releases for the Week of September 23rd, 2012
Even with Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse inexplicably delayed at the last minute, this week’s selection of new titles is quite crowded. From the rival releases of FIFA Soccer 13 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 to the latest iteration of everyone’s favorite jiggle simulator- Dead or Alive 5, store shelves and download services are destined to be lined with a pleasing assortment of titles, reminding us that the holiday season in imminent.
Angry Birds Trilogy
Darksiders II: Argul’s Tomb (DLC, $7)
Dead or Alive 5
FIFA Soccer 13
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit (XBLA, $14.99)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
Wipeout 3
Angry Birds Trilogy
Darksiders II: Argul’s Tomb (DLC, $6.99)
Dead or Alive 5
FIFA Soccer 13
Grand Theft Auto III (PS2 Classic, $9.99)
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit (PSN, $14.99)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
Realms of Ancient War
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
Tokyo Jungle (PSN, $15)
Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure
FIFA Soccer 13
Wipeout 3
Angry Birds Trilogy
Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure
FIFA Soccer 13
Puzzler World 2012 3D
Wipeout 3
No releases
FIFA Soccer 13
PS Vita
FIFA Soccer 13
Darksiders II: Argul’s Tomb (DLC, $6.99)
Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy
Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
DesertEagle’s Pick: Make no mistake, Tokyo Jungle has it caveats. The game is needlessly grindy and exhibits texturing which looks decidedly last-gen. However, If you’re the type of player who can overlook those blemishes to lead a sweater-clan Pomeranian to his rightful domination over the rest of the animal kingdom, then Sony’s $14.99 digital offering (the game was a ¥3,900/$50 USD Blu-ray disk in Japan) might just be for you. For those irrational readers not enamored by diminutive K9’s, the game purportedly has 49 other species of non-human forms.
SeanNOLA’s Pick: I suppose that as the resident “tired of zombies” touter, I have no choice but to give my pick to Tokyo Jungle, if only because it manages to broach the Apocalypse without assuming that the dead will walk the Earth. Also, that dog is adorable.
Jeremy’s Pick: Publisher XSEED Games has lately been dipping its toes into the Steam store, and the odd result is that several PSP games have been ported to the PC platform. Following Ys Origin and Oath in Felghana earlier this year, XSEED is making the quirky Half-Minute Hero, subtitled Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy, available to the mouse-and-keyboard set. Those familiar with the PSP and XBLA versions will know that the fantasy world of Half-Minute Hero will end in (a very liberal) 30 seconds, and only a series of bite-sized, RPG-flavored minigames can stop it. Moreover, in case you couldn’t tell from the title or the, shall we say, “frugal” ad campaign, developer Marvelous AQL doesn’t want you to take the game any more seriously than such a premise CAN be taken… so enjoy it — thirty seconds at a time!
BlueSwim’s Pick: It’s no secret that the last couple of years have been rough for Team NINJA. Tomonobu Itagaki left, Metroid: Other M was mocked and brutalized by series fans for its frequent use of the phrase “the baby”, and Ninja Gaiden III was given the title of ninja dog. Things haven’t been all bad, though, as Dead Or Alive: Dimensions, the first major DOA fighting release since Itagaki’s departure, is one of the better 3DS titles on the market. Now, nearly six years after Dead or Alive 4, comes another numbered entry in the series. New for DOA5 are entirely redone, more realistic character models, a Power Blow(LOL!) gameplay mechanic, and several new faces on the roster, including a couple of cross-over martial arts masters from Sega’s excellent Virtua Fighter series. If the execution matches the potential, Dead Or Alive 5 will be one hell of a game.
Samurage’s Pick: I didn’t have much in mind for this week, having just completed a down payment for a Dishonored pre-order and still looking to get my hands on some Borderlands 2 action, but The Testament of Sherlock Holmes caught my eye. The graphics look pretty standard, but I’m intrigued by the potential plot. Between the Guy Ritchie movies and the British releases, everyone seems to have a different take on Sherlock these days, and The Testament looks like it’s also going to deliver a different take on the brilliant detective. So sign me up for some detective work, this week it The Testament of Sherlock Holmes for me.
Is BlueSwim reviewing DoA 5? And if not, why is God mad at us? 😉
LOL! Can’t let God take the blame for this one. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be reviewing it. Being on a budget sucks for getting most new games at launch. :S
Was there even a DoA demo out? Forgive me for not caring about the series a long time ago. It’s just what happened to Ninja Gaiden after Itakagi left…
A two-fighter demo was a pre-order bonus for Ninja Gaiden III. If you bought the $100 NGIII Special Edition, you would get a demo with four fighters in it.
If you spend $100 for Ninja Gaiden 3, you should have got DoA 5 hand delivered to your door by cosplay girls in bikinis and bunny ears as the beginning of your apology.
I’ll only pick up DoA 5 is there’s DLC for a nude Kate Middleton.
Ok, who am I kidding, I might grab it anyway.
That DLC would sell like hotcakes!
I almost never buy DLC, but I’d be there day one, trying to cram a 10 dollar bill in my 360 drive tray.
I’m probably the only one excited by The Testament of Sherlock Holmes. Too bad it doesn’t have the likeness or vocals of Benedict Cumberbatch. I might have bought two copies.
My friend is obsessed with Benedict Cumberbatch, so I made this for her when Warhorse came out.
As a straight guy there is something about him. My GF forced me to watch Sherlock,I have to admit the guy is charming.
Why does it look like he’s being split from behind by an invisible ninja with a katana? Look at the belly button. gross.
FIFA is out for what Gary Oldman you say, “EEEEVERYTHING!”
I’m with Deagle, Tokyo Jungle for me. I’m really glad and a little surprised that Sony brought this over
Lets see you could play Angry Birds Trilogy on your phone for $3 or pay $40 on console. Take your pick.
The console version doesn’t even have the update levels, so you missing content.
I could see this being a download game but retail? You’re crazy, Activision.
Yes, less levels. But 1080p!
I’m always a sucker for soccer. 7 years of youth play and I still can’t wait for FIFA 13.
Damn, you Wipeout. Whenever I see your name I think we’re in for a futuristic racer not some dumb obstacle course game.
Just Dead or Alive 5 for me.
Sherlock Holmes looks kind of cool.
Why is Blue’s wallpaper this week’s artwork?
ROFL! Because it’s Dead Or Alive bikini bunny girls, that’s why! XD
The DOA5 picture looks like Tokyo Jungle LARPing gone wrong. Or maybe right.
Jeremy, you make me watch the videos I can’t unsee. Girl is very cute though.
Haha! It’s Esteban from Call of Podcast! He’s a hunk, though. What’s the problem?
Jeremy likes the big guys? He’d love me.
And of Grasshopper Manufacture fame!
This week’s picks have gone to the dogs. I mean that in a good way.
Where’s Blues pick for (spoiler) DoA5 ?(/spoiler)
I’ll rent DOA5,but don’t expect to be blown away. Anyone have a character list?
Nice pic this week. I approve on all girl on girl screenshots.
Nice pic this week. I approve on all girl on girl screenshots.
If you guys don’t review one Piece: Pirate Warriors I hate you forever. You’re probably one of the few sites that will give it a fair shake.
I might get Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy if it’s less than $10 Wasn’t it that price on XBLA?
So is The Testament of Sherlock Holmes a point and click game? I have no patience for those. Give me something like Heavy Rain and I’ll be there on day one, though.
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes actually looks pretty cool. Maybe not a full priced purchase, but worth getting eventually.
I didn’t know HELL YEAH! was even close to coming out. No I can scream “HELL YEAH!” out my window.
DEagle and I are duel reviewing it! I’d wait for that because I have…opinions.
Seriously, you have me really excited about the review(s). I don’t know why you guys don’t do more duels.
This week, I am leaning towards The Testament of Sherlock Holmes. Hopefully I can tear away from Borderlands 2.
Let us know how it is if you pick it up. I was debating whether to grab it or not.
More than likely, I’m going with FIFA 13.
I shall let you know!! You know I was so close to buying FIFA 13 today. I haven’t played in a while and I miss it. Let me know what you think of it, if by any chance you get it.