New Releases of the Week of January 22nd, 2012
Whether players are itching to murder among the mercantile district of Dyers, slaughter Helghast across the colony planet of Vekta, or jump into the imaginative realm inhibited by the vibrant characters of Nathan Jurevicious’ graphic novels, there’s a downloadable diversion ready to satisfy those tempestuous desires. Hell, even if players are itching to simulate the geopolitical challenges faced by a civil war-era United States, Victoria II: A House Divided can quench that eccentric craving.
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations-Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack (DLC, $10)
Puddle (XBLA)
Quarrel (XBLA, $5)
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations-Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack (DLC, $10)
Killzone (PS2 Classic, $9.99)
ScaryGirl (PSN, $10)
Newton vs. the Horde (Wiiware, $5)
Mutant Mudds (eShop, $9)
Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfight (DSiWare, $5)
Lola’s Alphabet Train (eShop, $2)
Bermuda Triangle (PSP Mini)
Gold Medalist (PSP Mini)
Stick Man Rescue (PSP Mini)
King Arthur II: The Role-playing Wargame
Margaritaville Online
Oil Rush
The Sims 3: Master Suite Stuff
Victoria II: A House Divided
DesertEagle’s Pick: Perhaps an aversion to all things Jimmy Buffet has soured me this week, but I recommend putting your time and money into next week’s trifecta of Soul Calibur V, Final Fantasy XIII-2 and NeverDead. I guarantee there won’t be a single, gaudy Hawaiian shirt amidst the sword-fights, battles, and wild demon slaying.
SeanNOLA’s Pick: Remember January 2011? Remember all the articles with headlines like “is January the new November?” Remember a time when Margaritaville Online was not a top contender for pick of the week? Me neither.
BlueSwim’s Pick: Your wallets officially have a License to Chill as this week’s new releases are truly a Sea of Heartbreak. When the highlight of the week is a Jimmy Buffet MMO, you know it’s a week worth sending Back to the Island with the Volcano on it. So instead of trying to desperately spend your money on any of the games coming out, Why Don’t We Get Drunk?
Never liked the first Killzone too much. Things didn’t get good until the 2nd one was patched.
Could be wrong here. But didn’t Scarygirl come out last week? I could have sworn seeing it.
For 360. This week for PS3.
This week’s picture looks more like Soul Calibur than Assassin’s Creed.
I thought the same thing.
I have a sneaking suspicion that neither Soul Calibur V, Final Fantasy XIII-2 or NeverDead will bet above a 85 Metacritic score.
If I remember correctly, Stick Man Rescue already came out. It played like Choplifter programmed by a 7th grader.
It was released for for PS+ subscribers. This week anyone can buy it.
At least last week had CheapyD.
Maybe this week they will patch CheapyD to die less often.
as a sucker for all things AC, I’ll be grabbing the Mediterranean Traveler pack.
I want it, but I can wait for sale.
Des, why do you have to date on the Parrotheads? haha
Quarrel sounds fun and it’s only 5 bucks. I almost didn’t hear about it (until now) because they only place they announced it was Joystiq. (I just looked it up)
Why do developers try to do exclusives? It makes no sense.
I didn’t hear about it either. Seems pretty cool especially for the price. Surprised it’s not the pick of the week.
Yep, news of Quarrel slipped right past us! Seems like it might be worth a look.
I’ll wait for SC5 next week.
Thanks for the post.
Quarrel does look kind of cool. As a Words with Friends addict, I’ll check it out.
Margaritaville Online is free, right? How can you not recommend that?
Because it looks like a 100 other Wii games I already played?
I’m looking forward to playing the original KIllzone. Never had a PS2 when it came out.
Sean, are you saying that someone said “is January the new November” or that no one said it and it’s a slowass week.
Maybe they’ll be something worth downloading from the eShop this week. Another demo would be nice.
Off-topic but the RE demo left me cold. Same old gameplay. Same old monsters that take a ton of bullets to stop.
Nice visuals, though.
Wait, is Blue is parrothead? The fur is going to fly now.
One of the nastiest foodstuffs I have ever endured was served up at Cheeseburger in Paradise. Buffet should be brought up on charges for serving up that horsemeat.
Heads up- Stick Man Rescue probably isn’t worth a penny more than free.
Ok, Midnight Mudds came out today and I have no idea what it is. You guys need to fix that!