Podcast 12-4: Running the Gauntlet-likes

Running The Gauntlet-likeBeyond offering impressions of Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut, Nano Assault Neo, Dungeonland, Hitman HD Trilogy, Rhythm Heaven Fever and Skulls of the Shogun, the crew also discusses some of the innovative technology and games emanating from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts and Game Innovation Lab. In addition to our customary dose of gaming trivia and responses to reader mail, we welcome Josh Kanownik from Fumovi, who’s on hand to discuss Seize the Day and the revitalization of full-motion video.

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Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. Sound quality for the first minute was awesome, then…

    Well tin-can comes to mind. What happened?

          1. I was just making a general joke about “YOU think it sounds bad, try being LIVE!”

            It was a bit of a reach.

            Tip your waitresses!

    1. I’m listening to the interview right now. (Show is downloading a 50KB/S which is acceptable). Sounds interesting. I’ll be giving 5 bucks in hopes that you make an Android version one day.

  2. I appreciate that Jeremy is playing more than Sony stuff. Maybe he’s not on their payroll.

    Have to agree with you guys that they need to get their shit together before next gen.

    1. I’m usually playing a lot of other things besides what I talk about on the show. It just happens that most of the NEW (and interesting) stuff I play tends to be on Sony platforms. That’s where I spend most of my time.

      I reckon nobody wants to hear me talk about playing MechWarrior Online 3 times a week. Haha.

      But I’m glad my efforts were not in vain. Thanks muckduck.

  3. I appreciate that Jeremy is playing more than Sony stuff. Maybe he’s not on their payroll.

    Have to agree with you guys that they need to get their shit together before next gen.

  4. Show content and dialogue was great. Not so hot was the sound drop outs. A few times, I couldn’t hear what someone said. That usually doesn’t happen.

    Don’t get me wrong, otherwise great. I’ll probably brag SotS if there’s a sale. Want the game, but $15.

  5. I really hope SuperBot is able to survive. I’m part of the problem because I didn’t buy PSASBR until a few weeks ago, but I really like the game and would have loved to have seen a sequel with a full story based SP campaign.

    Sounds like very cool stuff you saw as USC. Of course they’re no Texas A&M…. 😉

    1. Well, like I said, I’m not sure that things would have gone any differently even if it had sold twice as much as it did. Three times, even. Their work was mostly done.

      And yeah, the one thing it seems pretty light on is good single-player things to do. Arcade mode is “all right” I guess.

      I just saw the list of DLC coming out. I’ll probably buy some. The Heavenly Sword / WipEout level for sure!

  6. Bad show title, sound quality.

    Everything else is good. You guys need to create a recording studio and all move to Utah.

  7. After owning the Vita for a year, I feel like these a lack of quality AAA games for it. There’s plenty of coll, little downloads, but no must-play unique games. You’re right Sony should get their act together before the PS4 launch. But the game industry forgets in weeks.

    1. Apparently they just released news about a change in their ad / PR company. I didn’t look into it much. I don’t care until we see the fruits of the change.

  8. Almost forgot, what’s your opinion of Hip Hop gamer being appointed Brand Ambassador?

    Is ECA a brand?

    1. I guess I’m okay with HHG being involved, as long as he steps far away from some of his past behavior. Always give second chances.

      I mean, to his credit, HE actually approached THEM. Nobody else did, right?

      1. Don’t you think he should at least talk down his “How would Andrea Rene be in bed” post? Nope.

      2. I think the issue is that he wasn’t vetted, and most people that are gamers don’t want someone like HHG ‘representing’ them.

        The ECA said in a statement that “they were unaware of his transgressions”. Have they heard of Google?

    1. Are you referring to HANDHELD GAME OF THE YEAR Paper Mario Sticker Star?

      DEagle picked the wrong moment to go public with his poor taste. 😉

  9. Damn, I missed the Hitman HD Trilogy sale. Speaking of money, how much does it cost to go to USC per year?

  10. Blue, how many hours have you put into Blaz for the Vita? By my count I’m up to 22 this week.

    Great game, BTW.

    1. I think I’m in the 20+/- hour range. It’s definitely my most-played fighting game on the Vita. Not even close, really. I haven’t spent a ton of time with Mortal Kombat or Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Street Fighter X Tekken has had some healthy usage, maybe a dozen hours.

      For the 360 version, I’d estimate about 25 hours.

      Again, can’t recommend it enough, especially since it’s going for $20 now.

      1. Yeah, for $20, I can’t resist a crappy fighter. Blaz is pure goodness, so I’ll be heading out to buy it this weekend.

  11. You guys occasionally talk about games a few months old, but hardly ever talk about games more than a decade old. I’d love some retro talk.

    1. Blue will do it sometimes. Maybe we can figure out a way to do it and still keep it interesting. Any requests or topics you have in mind?

      1. I used to do retro stuff, and people seemed to not like that it wasn’t newer games instead,lol. I’ve been thinking about adding them back in though, so maybe this will be the motivating push I needed. Thanks, Wavebird.

    2. I’m always playing retro games, so any excuse to chew the fat about the older stuff is a welcome one. I’ll try to pull something obscure out of my library to talk about on the next show. Just for you, Wavebird! 😀

      1. That’s what I’ve been saying all along!

        Just kidding! You guys make a great trio. I like the way you get along. Put adding Sage makes the show THAT much better.

  12. You guys! Seriously….flesh-light inverted controller for DoA5?? Thats…..just…..[palm-to-forehead].
    So Robert, who’s the wizard and who’s the conan? (and I guess that “unfollow” backfired on ya ;P )

    1. What about the tentacle?

      How did it backfire, Sage? Oh, and I heard Fleshlight doesn’t have a hyphen. Not that I have the box nearby or anything….

      1. Well Tentacle, I admire you’re….um…..candor.

        And it’s because someone starting following my twitter two days later and Robert was all jealous 🙂

  13. Jeremy, you like Xcom and Skull of the Shogun, right? You liked Advance Wars, right?

    Then play Fire Emblem for the love of god. Like Robert said in the review, previous knowledge isn’t required. But wanting to have a good time is.

  14. Maybe 10th best. Sorry I have to be honest. There’s some great shows out there. But I really like your format.

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