Podcast 5-2: Pac-Man, Sex, and Other Drugs

This week, the trio offers impressions of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, FlingSmash, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Knights in the Nightmare, Monster Hunter 3 Freedom, as well as draw comparisons between Pac-Man Championship Edition DX and sex. If the thought of finding similarities between the dot-munching and bumping and grinding is just too nerdy for you, you might be able to take solace in our weekly trivia and answers to reader mail.

Don’t forget to send your questions for our next mailbag, and subscribe to the Tech-Gaming Podcast on iTunes. Leaving a review would be an cool thing to do; and keep us from begging for feedback every show.

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. “Japaneezing the name”

    Really NOLA? I expected more from you. I think you just like to pick on NIS for any reason you can find. But the name of a game seems like a small reason…

  2. So no one going to at least review on-live? You’re going to dismiss it based on the concept.

  3. For me the obsessive art of gaming is getting as many cheevios as possible from games. I’ve even rented games I know are easy target. (Avatar)

  4. Did NOLA really tell everyone who didn’t like Alpha Protocal to screw themselves?

    How did you really make it through the combat NOLA?

  5. Have I told you lately that I love you?

    I’ll talk more Monster Hunter next week, now that I’ve spent significant time with the demo. Plus, I need to correct some erroneous/misleading statements I made this week.

  6. Haha- not quite a dozen.

    I’m making up for the doldrums coming in December and January. The winter months looks like I’ll be catching up on my backlog. Is there anything I should be playing but haven’t mentioned?

  7. You’ve never been turned off my a name or cover art? I know I have.

    Who would have thought a game called “The Red Star” would be fun? Sounds like a bad communist newspaper.

  8. I’m late to the party on this one:

    Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life.

    I’m less interested in playing the stock market (whose got money for that, right now?) than understanding how people like to make sense of things by imagining causality.

  9. Wait didn’t you read one of the Splinter Cell books before? I think you mentioned that in your review?

  10. The Monster Hunter Demo. I realized after listening to the episode that I described to Wii demo, and completely dismissed the ACTUAL new demo, which is what I was supposed to be talking about in the first place.
    Don’t remember what I got wrong about Onlive. I stand by saying it is an okay idea with terrible, terrible execution.

  11. It’s taking me 10+ minutes to download 28.8MB- twice as slow at The GiantBombcast. Time for new servers.

  12. Dude, get your shit straight. TideGear always gets it right, Desert admits when he doesn’t know something, but you give out a lot of bogus info.

    Until you get your shit together, consider me unsubscribed.

  13. Beyond him hating on Sonic 4 (Sorry buddy but the levels and music are different enough for me even if the bosses are reused) whats the misinfo?

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