The Tech-Gaming Podcast, World 2-8

This week TideGear and DesertEagle discuss Resonance of Fate battling, Pokémon grinding, and the usefulness of Patchwork Heroes suicide bombing, while SeanNOLA pulls a forgotten relic out of the PSP achieve. Our brief journey through the realm of gaming is concluded with a healthy helping of trivia, along with a visit to our mailbag.

Don’t forget to send your questions for our next mailbag, and subscribe to the Tech-Gaming Podcast on iTunes.

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. LOL at NOLA’s, “What are you fishing for”.

    Cheated and listened to end of show. Awesome. Apron pics, please!

  2. I love the way Robert through off Sean by asking “Are you using brains as well as brawn?”

  3. Yea, we’ve got our shit together now. We should be on time from now on – I’m actually editing our next episode right now!

  4. Yeah, I noticed that you guys do.

    Lead ins are tight, not too much chatter. Everyone’s more organized, esp. TideGear, and there’s some goodnatured joking, usually directed at deagle.

  5. Ok, when Desert says, “isn’t that right, NOLA” and Sean says “I didn’t say that” what the hell are you guys talking about?

  6. Your show is growing on me. It’s just as good as some of the other podcasts- Giant Bomb, Joystiq, etc.

  7. Whats up with that trivia question with Jack the Ripper. Time After Time had HG Wells! Desert FAIL.

  8. Man, you wrote all that on CAG (which was good BTW) and got ONE comment. I see why you stopped writing blogs there.

    Its sad most of the blogs on CAG are jokes, or doll collections. Your stuff was probably too thoughful for the average kid look a sale of Call of Duty 7.

  9. A couple things to contemplate/debate:

    – There is a big difference between the “O”s and “E”s. Since your father was an aviator (can I assume Army helis? Soldier is the big tip-off) his experience as an officer is radically different from your average enlisted Joe. Yes, they’re all servicemen (or soldiers) , but the see the world VERY differently.

    Brother in Arms was loosely inspired by Band of Brothers, which was based on actual events that depicted real people. My grandfather Ray was a WWII vet, and you’d think he was a walking stereotype. He had a Carolina drawl, need for Southern manners, and a love of whiskey that would have fit right into the stereotypes of SPR.

    I think for all the GR/SOCOM games (help me out, Deagle) the guys do have name/backgrounds/personalities. Maybe they don’t expel the Esprit de Corps every chance they get, but these guys project a believable image (even if the game themselves are totally unbelievable).

    My problem with the depiction of the military is they’re don’t convey the actual experience. Not every day is a glorious firefight, and for most they aren’t. Rarely are you told not to engage an enemy. Everybody squad member does his own thing; teamwork is reduced to guys being tools. Need a door to be blown open- only the demo guy can do it. Gimme a game with a real moment- a grunt missing his wife and kids, a moment of uncertainty when an officer pushed through the ranks ask his men to take a risk. Just my two cents.

  10. I doubt I’ll listen after the weakass monster hunter nonreview and seeing this ugly site.

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