The Tech-Gaming Podcast, World 3-7

This week the Tech-Gaming crew discusses Crackdown 2, Tales of Money Island, Arma 2: Combined Operations, Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip, Anime Expo as well as the irrefutable merits of John Denver impersonators. To maintain our Rocky Mountain Highs, we partake in some trippy trivia, contemplate a few reader questions, before venturing off to modern-day Babylon for our Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Retro Memories segment. As a bonus, Jason Ilano from Signal Studios stops by to talk about Toy Soldiers: The Kaiser’s Battle.

Don’t forget to send your questions for our next mailbag, and subscribe to the Tech-Gaming Podcast on iTunes. Leaving a review would be an awesome thing to do, also.

Robert Allen

Since being a toddler, Robert Allen has been immersed in video games, anime, and tokusatsu. Currently, his days are spent teaching at two southern California colleges. But his evenings and weekends are filled with STGs, RPGs, and action titles and well at writing for Tech-Gaming since 2007.


  1. Less a than an hour and twenty minutes? What are you guys trying to get past us?!?

  2. John Denver did perform Rainbow Connection with the Muppets. Desert was right on this one.

  3. I’ve been thinking about getting Red Faction for my PC. The extra resolution and AA should make it look super sweet.

    Tide and Deagle, what kind of PC’s do you guys have?

  4. So far, I’m liking this weeks episode. Deagle is going through at record pace!

  5. thanks for keeping the file size low. my 8gig iPhone is filling up with 80MB podcasts.

  6. Do you guys think gamers are easier now? It took me about 7 times to clear the first level of Desert Strike. No games are like that anymore.

  7. Love the Retro Memories section and the trivia. Keep the great work coming guys.

  8. Great show this week. I’ll probably pick up Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip on your recommendation.

  9. Shit, I played Battletech last week. Not Desert Strike.

    BTW Battletech kicks ass. Great overlooked Genesis game.

  10. No Retro Memories pick for next week? Might a suggest a certain Genesis game?

  11. Did the other guys even notice that?

    I laughed outloud at that one.

  12. When Desert Strike first came out, there was nothing else like it on the market. Games back then didn’t cost millions to make and so developers were able to take risks.

    When the last time you guys played a wide-release game and said “Wow, this is really unique!”?

  13. Whoever does those cover each week should be given a raise and shot of tequila.

  14. Awesome interview. Had to purchase the Kaiser’s Battle just to see that K-Wagon.

  15. John Denver? Are the GF’s family peace-loving, potsmokers or what?

    I joke because MY sig other’s family nearly are.

  16. Dumbest question of the year has to be if Toy Soldiers went for realism and historical accuracy.


  17. -Core i7 920
    -4GB DDR3 2000 Memory (I think people install too much)
    -ATI Radeon HD 5770
    -Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
    -1TB HDD

    A pretty speedy li’l monster considering how much I spent!

  18. Every show should have guests. Thanks Jason for giving the Toy Soldiers 411! Downloading the original game as we type.

  19. Actually, I gave myself a month- I’ll be 37 next month. But, yeah, I’m a geezer.

    Think about it this way- I’m bringing three decades of gaming experience to your eyes and ears, sonny.

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